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Frequently Asked Questions And Answers About Continuing Education For Insurance Providers In Florida

Confused about online continuing education requirements for insurance agents? The following applies to law in the state of Florida.

Question: How many hours do I need to meet CE compliance? When is it due?

Answer: The number of hours you need to meet CE compliance depends on the type of license you have. Typically most licenses in the state of Florida require continuing education is done every two years. Youll want to check with the individual laws per state to find out your specific requirements. Its best to know these well in advance so you know whats expected. Dont wait until the last minute.

Question: Can I take the same courses during the next compliance period?

Answer: No, you cannot repeat the same courses within a three year period. You must take new courses in order to receive course credit.

Question: Can I take my courses online?

Answer: Yes, you can meet CE compliance by taking courses online. Make sure that you look for a licensed provider within your state thats the key. The rules vary from state to state, as do the classes, so youll want to be sure the company is accredited in order to meet your states requirements.

Question: When are my hours due?

Answer: Your compliance deadline is the last day of your birth month, two years after you received your license. So if you were born June 2 and were licensed July 11 of 2011, your compliance period runs from July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2014. If youre a new agent, youll have to have held a license for 24 months before these are due.

Question: What happens if I dont complete my coursework by my deadline?

Answer: If you dont complete your courses by the required time, youll be assessed a $250 fee and you will be required to complete the necessary course work to receive your CE credits. Approximately 45 days after the end of your compliance period, youll receive a Preliminary Notice of Non-Compliance and Settlement Stipulation. You must sign this document and send it to the address listed. You must send this back within 30 days of receiving it with the $250 paid in full. You will have 120 days to complete your course work.

Question: How long can I take basic level courses?

Answer: You can take basic level CE courses within the first six years of holding your license. After you have held your license for longer than six years, you will be required to take intermediate and advanced level courses.

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