Business & Finance Corporations

Part 23 - Master Your Fear Of Success

When it comes to being a successful entrepreneur and millionaire your biggest enemy is yourself.
Did you know that one of the biggest inhibitors to becoming a millionaire is your own fear? The insidious fear of success stops many people, on the psychological level, is from achieving what they desire.
Some people actually succeed very well to the point where they are just about to achieve greater success and then, without ever knowing it, they sabotage their own success, to prevent having to carry what they perceive as being too great a responsibility.
It sounds crazy, but many people are afraid of success.
They are afraid of the unknown, afraid of handling the risk, afraid of moving out either the comfort zone then this terrified the responsibility that success will bring.
Of course, some people are simply lazy and consequently are fearful of the input that will be required when they do finally achieve great financial success.
They are not willing to do what it takes and to deliver the input that their achievements will demand of them.
Sometimes people will simply be afraid of what other people will think of them if they become successful and wealthy.
Sometimes they are afraid of the demands that other people will place on them or the expectations it will create in their relatives and friends.
People are afraid to deal with conflict situations.
There are afraid that the process involved because they may be subject to the negative opinions of others and not true to themselves.
Remember it is your life and what you make of it is in your hands.
Your attitude towards fear will either make you or break you.
I think it was J.
Kennedy who said that it is not success we need fear but fear itself and Thomas J Watson, the founder of IBM once remarked: "If you want to succeed faster you must double your rate of failure.
Success lies on the far side of failure.
" You should make it a specific effort not the fear failure.
You're going to have to have big balls and be courageous.
One particular observation that I have made regarding online businesses or Internet businesses is that the successful ones follow system and guided by a mentor.
Contrary to popular belief entrepreneurs are not greater risk takers.
They have a high propensity to tolerate risk and are willing to take calculated risks that they do not like the risk and try and reduce all manage it as much as possible.
You can reduce your fear by asking yourself what is the worst thing that can happen and then make sure that it doesn't.
The more you face your fears the more you will build confidence; so go ahead and consciously and deliberately face your fears.
Make a habit of facing your fears and you will find your courage and self-confidence increase the point at which fear is no longer an issue.
Everybody is afraid of failure and poverty but if you want to commit yourself to becoming a self-made millionaire you must set goals and work towards them every day.
You must have the discipline and guts to face your fears.
If you can identify your major fear, face it squarely and proceed in spite of it, you will soon find that your reputation will proceed you and will grow in stature as a millionaire.
Inspired, develop a burning desire, print your vision indelibly into your subconscious mind and boldly advance, despite adversity and fear, towards the realisation of your dream.

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