Health & Medical Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery

Stay Away From Cosmetics After Silhouette Lift Surgery

With ageing and several external factors, skin can lose its elasticity. It develops wrinkles, dark spots and fine lines around eyes, lips and on forehead. Women mostly are very fearful about their wrinkles showing on their face. They do not like the concept of ageing or at least looking like that with loads of wrinkles and patches on their face. They want to stay fresh and bright with supple skin forever. From anti ageing creams to homemade remedies, they have been using all kinds of products to reduce those wrinkles form their face as well as add a touch of brightness on it.

Apart from this, some of the desperate women who do not wish to wait for 7 weeks to get fresh looking wrinkle free face, are even ready to go under the knife. Face lift surgery has been a popular trend in the market. There are a large number of women who have got it done every year. The surgery is capable of providing wrinkle free young looking face however due to the long recovery period and life long duty of taking care of that skin under medical attention.

This procedure is quite expensive therefore out of budget for most of the women. In case you are unable to afford face lift surgery, you can still achieve that beautiful skin with help of the silhouette lift surgery in Lebanon.

Silhouette lift is government approved lift surgery used to remove wrinkles form the facial area, providing a flawless skin. This surgery technique used self anchoring thread technology making the lift surgery less invasive surgically. The doctors can easily lift the skin and fix it with help of the threads, lying underneath the tissues.

This lift is made from polypropylene, which has been used for decades as suture material. It is safe and less expensive in comparison to the Plastic surgery in Beirut like face lift surgery. This surgery includes procedures on sub dermal tissue, lifting, suspending and fixating contour of the brow, midface and neck areas removing the presence of the wrinkles.

The surgery maybe suitable for all women of different age group, however it also does include several precautions and care measures. Avoid all kinds of facial cosmetics for a couple of days after surgery, especially the ones made for anti ageing of the skin. These may do not seem to but they are corrosive in nature for skin. You must also ask for further advice from the doctors for after surgery care routine.

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