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Search-Warrant Training


    • Training usually begins by instructing officers how to complete an affidavit, which is submitted to a judge or magistrate who ultimately issues or denies the search warrant. Officers receive affidavit training as early as their basic training and then in their service assignments, as different crimes require different collections of facts to establish probable cause.


    • Officers are trained throughout their careers in how to safely execute a search warrant. Depending on the risk level of the warrant and their particular function (e.g., SWAT, patrol), officers are trained how to make entry, detain suspects and clear (make safe) the area to be searched.

    The Search

    • Training for the actual search varies. Basic searching techniques are usually taught in the basic academy, but more specific training in how to search and what to search for is given to those who work in such capacities as evidence technician or computer specialist.

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