Health & Medical Nutrition

What Is Folic Acid And How Does It Help Our Bodies?

Folic acid is one of those things that you see on the side of cereal boxes or packets but don't really know what it is or how it can be a benefit to your health.
It is in fact a very important member of the vitamin B family and is especially important for women.
But many people still wonder what is folic acid and why is it important to in a healthy diet?In fact, one of the major benefits of having enough folic acid in your diet is that it can improve the body's ability to actually create new cells and to renew itself.
It may also help in the prevention of some serious illnesses such as strokes, cancer and also heart disease.
It is also considered a good idea for women to make sure that they have enough folic acid when pregnant as it is thought that it can help in the prevention birth defects.
But if you really want to find out what is folic acid's role in a women's pregnancy and what are the appropriate levels to take to ensure the maximum benefit it is probably best to just consult a dietician, health specialist or your doctor.
They can tell you if you need to take supplements or if you just need to change your diet in order to obtain the correct amount of folic acid.
There are easy ways to increase your consumption of folic acid if you need to or are recommended to by your nutritionist or doctor.
For instance, eating extra cereals that have been fortified with folic acid or by taking supplements or multivitamins that contain folic acid.
Perhaps the easiest way to intake the right amount of folic acid is to know what is folic acid's best source in food so that you can make sure that your diet contains a reasonable amount and that your body is not going to be short of this essential vitamin.
As with many nutrients, fresh fruits, vegetables and grains are often a good source of folic acid as are nuts and bread and of course cereals which have had folic acid added to them.
So you don't just need to know what is folic acid but you also need to know where it comes from and how you can easily and quickly make sure that your diet contains enough.
Folic acid is one of the most important vitamins for pregnant women and if you have any concerns at all that your diet may be deficient in it then should see your doctor or dietician and get them to draw up a good diet plan for you to increase the levels or alternatively to recommend a supplement for you to take.

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