Health & Medical Eye Health & Optical & Vision

Gear Up for Spring Sports With Protective Eyewear!

Is your child gearing up for Little League, soccer, or another Spring sport? Active in sports yourself? While your gathering uniforms, helmets, and pads, don't forget about protecting the eyes! Make sure you and your kids are playing to their full potential with the right sports vision gear.
Gone are the days when athletes with mild prescriptions would just take off their glasses and play.
Proper vision enhances competitive edge by improving hand-eye coordination- not to mention being able to see what you're doing! Wearing proper eye protection-even if you don't need a prescription- is critical to reducing your risk of sports-related eye injuries.
Even non-contact sports pose risks to the eyes.
A simple game like badminton still has an object flying around at about 60 mph! Sports vision gear has come a long way.
Wearing protective goggles no longer means you have to look like you're on your way to woodshop class.
There are tons of modern styles that are customized for each sport.
If you are playing baseball, you can get goggles that fit under your helmet.
If you are a biker, you can get a pair that curves around your face and won't fall off.
Proper fit is important for optimal vision.
If sports goggles don't fit an athletes peripheral vision can be compromised.
Aside from fit, what the goggles are composed of is extremely important.
Polycarbonate is the most commonly used material for sports lenses.
It has built in ultraviolet protection, and it is great for impact resistance.
It can be coated for scratch resistance, and manipulated to fit in almost any type of frame.
Sports related eye injuries could be devastating to vision.
Be proactive and protect yourself and your little athletes with sports vision wear.
Be sure to get help from your eye doctor for fit and style advice!

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