Travel & Places Outdoors

Understand Medicinal Tourism: What Exactly Is This Global Phenomenon?

Medical Tourism is gaining an immense popularity nowadays. It is something that most of countries on the globe have been promoting not just as a tourism component but as the national industry as well. However, the broad scope and vivid aspects make this phenomenon quite hard to understand at one go. It is equally hard to describe it in entirely to a layman. This form of tourism stands out from the rest in the sense that it is related to globalization and neo-liberal healthcare policies. Unlike the traditional model of international medical travel, Medical tourism is the case where a patient moves from highly developed counties to a less developed region in search of medical care that is not available in his own community.

Well, the first of this kind of travel has been recorded thousands of years back when Greek pilgrims flocked to Saronic Gulf, also known as Epidauria, which was the adobe of the healing God Asklepios. Today many counties around the world have become hub of the tourists seeking such heal. Travelers, on major scale, seek the elective procedures and some complex specialized surgeries under Medical tourism. From joint replacement (knee/kip) to cosmetic surgeries and teeth implantation to cure for genetic disorder, a variety of heath care treatment are sought out by the travelers, or you may say them patients.

There are several factors which play role in speeding up the popularity of medical travel. They may, however, vary from country to country. But a few most common ones among them are:

The high cost of health care in that particular country
Long wait times for certain procedures
The ease and affordability of international travel
And improvements in both technology and standards of care

Although this form of tourism is becoming worldwide popular, some countries have great potential when it comes to its growth and scopes. In the USA, for instance, over 750,000 people go to abroad as medical tourists annually. It is therefore the healthcare Industry is focusing on this component quite seriously. Similarly, the United Kingdom is promoting this phenomenon much more heavily. Some countries which are worldwide popular as medical tourism destinations are Argentine, Costrica, Malaysia, Singapore, Cuba., India, Thailand and South Africa. No wonder if you see many more players in the International market offering such facilities with innovative techniques and procedures.

However, there are some risks too, attached with medical tourism. The important one is the difference of the epidemiology in one country to other. For an instance, the Asian countries like India, Malaysia and Thailand have different medicinal specialities to the ones in Europe and North America. This can be a hazard for the patients coming here for short span of time, as they wouldnt get time to wont to the conditions. Additionally, the difference in the quality of post-operative care is another important issue. The Asian countries like Thailand and India are however trying their best to improve the situation.

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