From the Edge of the Moon (At Journey"s End, Apocalypse Coming)
And then I was taken to the edge of the moon, told to look down from it, and I stood in mid-air, and I saw earth's destruction clear as if on a sunny day, and I asked what year was this? And Raph'el said," 2016 AD, and I asked "Can this be postponed or delayed?" And he said, "Yes, but it will come about Anyway, and the souls of the dead remain as is, for the living they can have An interlude period to correct their wrongs...
" And I said "Correct what?" (Raph'el)"You are looking at the time when the Antichrist (the Shameless One), will fool many on earth, they will think he is the Christ, they are fooled, but he persuades them nonetheless, with signs and miracles.
And Christ has pity on them, and there will be a day, when many will turn away from this mad angelic Shameless One, and try to flee him, saying, "We were fooled, he is not who he says he is! For Christ does not pursue men, he never has, he only allows them to come to him if they desire so.
"Thereafter you will see Angels coming and going, ascending, and descending,a thousand years will pass, no devil will exist during this period, Christ will rule and the angels will be with him.
This is after this great event, after the future judgment.
" And I said, "What about this Apocalypse going on now?" (That of which I was witnessing.
) And all three angels by me stood silent as we watched the havoc taking place on earth, and I saw great wrath, a cosmic fire had produced it, and the souls of the people were suffocated, subdued; the sinners,and it covered much of the earth and it consumed the devils like stubble.
And in the Holy Land I saw Gabriel and Uriel shinning as if they were pillars of light, as if readying themselves for a fight or feast or perhaps both.
(The soul of the Earth) Then the earth turned black, there was no sun, and there was no peace on earth, it was removed, and the birds died where they stood, dead, dead, dying, dying, everything was dried up, the seas and the lakes.
This is when I felt, the earth was a living life form, and it soul was being burnt clean, for man and devil hadpulverized it to lawlessness, defiled it-made it unlivable, and it was unable to save itself.
And I heard an echo, "Woe to those who have wrathfully destroyed her, and disobeyed God.
"And the earth did not produce water in the seas or deep in the rivers or any place, and man dug and did not find it.
And the earth even had her revenge, and her core was renewed.
(Battle of the Swords)"There will come a day, during these days," said Raph'el, "when the Shameless One will weep, sorry his time has come to an end, like dust from the earth, he will be swept away, he will try to get his last revenge, and the robbers will weep, and the sun will rise again, and earth will bring forth fruit, and the angels will come with swords and battle any and all who appose God, with fiery wings.
" (The Land of Torments) And I saw a great cosmic fire, and I saw the coming judgment, and I heard many voices, from all the places I was at, or had been at, and they did not want the judgment to come or pass, and the sins of all were placed before them as if on an open table, those sins that were committed day and night throughout their lives, and those who were hurt, or given over to death were allowed to watch their assaults handed over to the land of torments, and those on their way into torments will see the righteous from the flames, and some of the righteous will plead for their torments to be lessened, and grace will be allowed, if asked for by the righteous.
((Then I saw a man, with his mouth wide open, in torments, it could not stretch anymore, and his teeth yellowish, started to melt, and he was alive, consumed and dying, frozen in pain; they (the once tormented on earth) saw him, and had pity on him-and then the vision of this man disappeared) (and what was the grace, if grace was granted I do not know nor did I ask, perhaps a lesser torment?)) It all seemed so complicated, and there I stood, and made a poem, as I often do, but it was of whom started it all this so long ago, the Immortal Snake, so I called him in my mind's eye, and it was of two gifted people, the first of their kind, and the evil one, it goes as follows: The Immortal Snake And how did God make Eve? He took a bone from his flank, and he molded a mate for Adam, his spouse to be, and then a garden, with leafage beyond belief, he put them both in, rejoicing, corresponding.
And they talked with piety, and wise words, and clean minds, and far removed from evil hearts, the devil.
They never even felt shame, walked with wild beasts.
But came the fall, because of a tree, and a snake that craftily deceived them, to eat the forbidden fruit,and thus they became betrayers of God, sin,and ignorance received evil, and it came.
And this produced the human race, poisoned by an immortal snake.
#2329 (3-19-2008) Notes: "The Cadaverous Journey," now writing the end section "From the Edge of the Moon (Apocalypse)"; morning of the 19th of March, 2008; I have noticed without trying, this book takes on its own passages (or better put: underground paths) that seem to follow a number of poetic distinctness, or characteristics, in addition to parallelism (repetition for effect), I must be doing it automatically, but it seems to produce a healthy mind and body interaction, if not a philosophical sensitivity.
" And I said "Correct what?" (Raph'el)"You are looking at the time when the Antichrist (the Shameless One), will fool many on earth, they will think he is the Christ, they are fooled, but he persuades them nonetheless, with signs and miracles.
And Christ has pity on them, and there will be a day, when many will turn away from this mad angelic Shameless One, and try to flee him, saying, "We were fooled, he is not who he says he is! For Christ does not pursue men, he never has, he only allows them to come to him if they desire so.
"Thereafter you will see Angels coming and going, ascending, and descending,a thousand years will pass, no devil will exist during this period, Christ will rule and the angels will be with him.
This is after this great event, after the future judgment.
" And I said, "What about this Apocalypse going on now?" (That of which I was witnessing.
) And all three angels by me stood silent as we watched the havoc taking place on earth, and I saw great wrath, a cosmic fire had produced it, and the souls of the people were suffocated, subdued; the sinners,and it covered much of the earth and it consumed the devils like stubble.
And in the Holy Land I saw Gabriel and Uriel shinning as if they were pillars of light, as if readying themselves for a fight or feast or perhaps both.
(The soul of the Earth) Then the earth turned black, there was no sun, and there was no peace on earth, it was removed, and the birds died where they stood, dead, dead, dying, dying, everything was dried up, the seas and the lakes.
This is when I felt, the earth was a living life form, and it soul was being burnt clean, for man and devil hadpulverized it to lawlessness, defiled it-made it unlivable, and it was unable to save itself.
And I heard an echo, "Woe to those who have wrathfully destroyed her, and disobeyed God.
"And the earth did not produce water in the seas or deep in the rivers or any place, and man dug and did not find it.
And the earth even had her revenge, and her core was renewed.
(Battle of the Swords)"There will come a day, during these days," said Raph'el, "when the Shameless One will weep, sorry his time has come to an end, like dust from the earth, he will be swept away, he will try to get his last revenge, and the robbers will weep, and the sun will rise again, and earth will bring forth fruit, and the angels will come with swords and battle any and all who appose God, with fiery wings.
" (The Land of Torments) And I saw a great cosmic fire, and I saw the coming judgment, and I heard many voices, from all the places I was at, or had been at, and they did not want the judgment to come or pass, and the sins of all were placed before them as if on an open table, those sins that were committed day and night throughout their lives, and those who were hurt, or given over to death were allowed to watch their assaults handed over to the land of torments, and those on their way into torments will see the righteous from the flames, and some of the righteous will plead for their torments to be lessened, and grace will be allowed, if asked for by the righteous.
((Then I saw a man, with his mouth wide open, in torments, it could not stretch anymore, and his teeth yellowish, started to melt, and he was alive, consumed and dying, frozen in pain; they (the once tormented on earth) saw him, and had pity on him-and then the vision of this man disappeared) (and what was the grace, if grace was granted I do not know nor did I ask, perhaps a lesser torment?)) It all seemed so complicated, and there I stood, and made a poem, as I often do, but it was of whom started it all this so long ago, the Immortal Snake, so I called him in my mind's eye, and it was of two gifted people, the first of their kind, and the evil one, it goes as follows: The Immortal Snake And how did God make Eve? He took a bone from his flank, and he molded a mate for Adam, his spouse to be, and then a garden, with leafage beyond belief, he put them both in, rejoicing, corresponding.
And they talked with piety, and wise words, and clean minds, and far removed from evil hearts, the devil.
They never even felt shame, walked with wild beasts.
But came the fall, because of a tree, and a snake that craftily deceived them, to eat the forbidden fruit,and thus they became betrayers of God, sin,and ignorance received evil, and it came.
And this produced the human race, poisoned by an immortal snake.
#2329 (3-19-2008) Notes: "The Cadaverous Journey," now writing the end section "From the Edge of the Moon (Apocalypse)"; morning of the 19th of March, 2008; I have noticed without trying, this book takes on its own passages (or better put: underground paths) that seem to follow a number of poetic distinctness, or characteristics, in addition to parallelism (repetition for effect), I must be doing it automatically, but it seems to produce a healthy mind and body interaction, if not a philosophical sensitivity.