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A Review of Huge Profits With a Tiny List

Connie Ragen Green, the author of Huge Profits from a Tiny List, is an excellent teacher and a superior relationship marketer.
She is an accomplished article writer at EzineArticles with over a half of a million views.
She is the kind of person you can learn almost any subject from as she possesses infinite patience and loves to see her students succeed I was not surprised when I started in to read this book,that it was all content and just a bit about Connie's journey to how she came about to be an internet marketer.
This book is all about the reader and what she can teach you through her 50 lessons.
as every thought in it comes from her experience as a teacher.
Her patience in explaining topics over and over to some of her well-educated students is legendary.
I suppose that a reader should understand that Connie spent most of her life as a Los Angeles elementary school teacher, as well as a licensed real estate agent and appraiser.
She is just recasting that teaching role now as she helps countless students around the globe make money online.
Connie is a beautiful warm-hearted and giving individual as well as a very active volunteer in her home town of Santa Clarita where she can often be found engaged in some kind of Rotary activity.
As they saying goes when you want to get something done ask the busy person.
I know Connie as a friend,colleague and student in her courses.
This book is a distillation of a number of her actual experiences in internet marketing and her rise to be one of the well thought of, no fluff, humble, group of successful marketers including her mentors Raymond Aaron, Pat O'Bryan, Alex Mandossian, Dr Jeanette Cates and Armand Morin, the founder of the Big Seminar and the AM2.
0 Family.
Connie provides concrete examples of how to get started making money online starting with basic knowledge, supplemented with actual specific methods that have worked for her.
Examples include:
  • Teleseminars and Webinars
  • Storytelling and Copywriting
  • Ask Your Customers What They Want and Give It To Them
  • Partnerships, Affiliate Programs
  • Giving and Building Rock Solid Relationships
  • Technology and Techniques,
  • Time Management & Implementation
Connie wants all of her readers and students to succeed in their online business and she gives you a variety of ideas and specific actions to take.
If you are searching for internet marketing training go no further than this book.
It will light the path to success which leaves traces in every page of this work.
And to no surprise, the added call to action, the finale, is a bonus feature: Free online training and resources, which you will find in the last chapter.
This will be your first chapter into the world of relationship marketing which will get you going, taking action,planning your internet marketing and being a member of her "tribe" or "my people" as she calls you.

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