Health & Medical Women's Health

Yeast Infection Cures - The Truth About Yoghurt

If you've ever encountered thrush or a yeast overgrowth, you've probably heard about, or even used yoghurt as a cure for your infection.
The problem is, treating your thrush infection just isn't that simple.
Read on to find out some great tips on treating your infection symptoms with yoghurt, and advice on how to get rid of your yeast infection for good.
You've probably heard many women swear by yoghurt, and it's magical healing powers when it comes to thrush.
But, there are a few things you first need to know about yoghurt to help ease those annoying and painful yeast overgrowth symptoms.
When it comes to yoghurt, never go for brands that include fruits, sugars, or artificial flavours.
These may be tasty treats, but they will do nothing for your thrush.
In fact, they will actually make matters much much worse.
Your yeast infection thrives on sugar, and increasing your sugar intake with a flavoured yoghurt may worsen your symptoms further.
Instead, look for natural live natural yoghurt, and always choose those organic brands over the rest.
Your yoghurt will be full of essential (friendly) probiotics, which our bodies need to maintain a healthy gut.
This will not only help with your overall health, but it will help to get your yeast infection under control too.
When you're choosing your yoghurt, you'll also need to find brands that do not heat treat their yoghurt.
This can be tricky to do at times, but it will be well worth the extra effort.
The heat treating process kills the majority of the yoghurt's good bacteria, and essentially takes all of the goodness away from the yoghurt.
The heating process is commonly used to increase the sell by dates of the yoghurt pots, but these brands will do little for your health, and more importantly, will be less effective when it comes to treating your yeast infection.
Using yoghurt the right way...
There are two ways you can use your yoghurt.
The first way, is the easiest...
you simply eat it.
This will do wonders for your gut, and will help your body to fight against the infection internally.
The second, and slightly more messy way of using your yoghurt is to apply it to your vagina internally.
Dipping a tampon in yoghurt and inserting it into your vagina is possibly the easiest and least messy ways of doing this.
Applying yoghurt directly to your vaginal area will significantly reduce any vaginal thrush symptoms your are experiencing, and will help to ease any discomfort you're currently experiencing.

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