The Taser Cam: It"s Your Reputation On The Line
Have you ever had to file a police report and been subject to "it's your word against your attacker's words".
Now technology brings us the Taser Cam which has video and audio capabilities for the X26 and X26C models.
You can now back up your actions with this new cutting edge technology.
Everytime you use your taser, your actions are recorded with video and audio.
It also records subjects in complete darkness using its infrared illuminator.
The Taser Cam gives your statement credibility and accountability of the incident prior, during and after using your taser.
There have been many cases where officers and citizens have been put under scrutiny due to the use of tasers on violent suspects.
When a suspect is mentally incompetent, high on drugs or a physical threat to themselves or others, officers and citizens have no choice but to use force for the protection of themselves and bystanders.
Taser cams account for the credibility of their actions.
A statement sometimes doesn't get to the truth to the matter but video and audio recording of an incident speaks for itself.
By using the Taser cams recent studies have reported in 50% decrease in complaints of "Taser Abuse" by citizens.
The Taser Cam is rechargeable and replaces your current Digital Power Magazine (DPM).
No tools are modifications are necessary to add the camera.
With its self contained rechargeable lithium battery; it can virtually pay for itself over time by reducing the need to purchase additional (DPM).
It records up to 1.
5 hours in black and white.
But the main benefit of the Taser Cam is that you are providing the truth of your actions.
Self defense is your right and responsibility.
Now you have been given the choice of providing detailed and accurate information in the defense of your actions.
In times of high stress or danger we often do not realize the aspects of defending or protecting ourselves and others.
If a Taser Cam lens has been obstructed your central information display (CID) will give you a warning to notify you of the obstruction of your camera.
Also included in the Taser Cam package is a USB download cable, software and a wall charger.
The Taser X26c is the most advanced personal protection product on the market today, now you can be confident that when using the Taser Cam your actions will be recorded and your credibility will not be questioned.
Video and Audio Proof Of Your Actions Will Speak Louder Than Just Words.
Fight Back - Don't Be A Victim
Now technology brings us the Taser Cam which has video and audio capabilities for the X26 and X26C models.
You can now back up your actions with this new cutting edge technology.
Everytime you use your taser, your actions are recorded with video and audio.
It also records subjects in complete darkness using its infrared illuminator.
The Taser Cam gives your statement credibility and accountability of the incident prior, during and after using your taser.
There have been many cases where officers and citizens have been put under scrutiny due to the use of tasers on violent suspects.
When a suspect is mentally incompetent, high on drugs or a physical threat to themselves or others, officers and citizens have no choice but to use force for the protection of themselves and bystanders.
Taser cams account for the credibility of their actions.
A statement sometimes doesn't get to the truth to the matter but video and audio recording of an incident speaks for itself.
By using the Taser cams recent studies have reported in 50% decrease in complaints of "Taser Abuse" by citizens.
The Taser Cam is rechargeable and replaces your current Digital Power Magazine (DPM).
No tools are modifications are necessary to add the camera.
With its self contained rechargeable lithium battery; it can virtually pay for itself over time by reducing the need to purchase additional (DPM).
It records up to 1.
5 hours in black and white.
But the main benefit of the Taser Cam is that you are providing the truth of your actions.
Self defense is your right and responsibility.
Now you have been given the choice of providing detailed and accurate information in the defense of your actions.
In times of high stress or danger we often do not realize the aspects of defending or protecting ourselves and others.
If a Taser Cam lens has been obstructed your central information display (CID) will give you a warning to notify you of the obstruction of your camera.
Also included in the Taser Cam package is a USB download cable, software and a wall charger.
The Taser X26c is the most advanced personal protection product on the market today, now you can be confident that when using the Taser Cam your actions will be recorded and your credibility will not be questioned.
Video and Audio Proof Of Your Actions Will Speak Louder Than Just Words.
Fight Back - Don't Be A Victim