Law & Legal & Attorney Accidents & personal injury Law

Reporting an ICBC Dial-a-Claim

Being in a car collision can be a very disruptive and painful event; unfortunately thousands of car accidents occur each year in British Columbia.
Many injured car crash victims report experiencing shock and anxiety immediately following a car accident.
Take the following steps after being in a car crash in BC: 1.
If you have the slightest discomfort, visit your doctor and/or the hospital.
When you tell your doctor about your car collision and your personal injuries, describe all your symptoms in detail.
No discomfort, limitation, and injury is too small or too insignificant.
Your doctor should know everything.
Do you need to make a dial-a-claim report to ICBC?
It's a good idea that ICBC be made aware of your crash as soon as reasonably practicable.
That said, it doesn't have to be you who makes the ICBC dial-a-claim or reports to ICBC.
Your lawyer can do the ICBC dial-a-claim for you.
Who needs to do an ICBC dial-a-claim?
Anyone hurt in a motor vehicle collision in British Columbia must report it to ICBC.
This includes passengers, cyclists, and pedestrians.
Remember that someone can make the ICBC dial-a-claim for you on your behalf.
Listen to your doctor's treatment suggestions.
If you fail to do what your doctor suggests, you could hurt your claim for injury compensation.
Unless you have a reason (and if you do discuss it with your doctor), it's a good idea to get the treatment your doctor recommends.
Talk to a personal injury lawyer.
I suspect (I can't talk on behalf of other lawyers) that most ICBC injury lawyers will talk to you at no cost to you - it's what is coined a "free initial consultation".
Take advantage of this to learn your legal rights after a BC car collision.
Many people in BC after a car crash and who are hurt, do nothing and don't bother about making a claim to ICBC.
Before you decide to do nothing, talk to a lawyer.
That said, the most important steps to take after being hurt is the medical recommendations for your recovery.

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