Pets & Animal Pets Fish

Fish Tanks Filters Overview

In this article I'm going to tell you about all kinds of fish tanks filters that are available on the market.
Good and effective filtration is a very important aspect of your aquarium system.
It neutralizes all dangerous substances, products of fish metabolism.
It also helps the aerification and is useful to keep equal conditions (if you have big aquarium) in all parts of your tank by moving water around.
The most effective filtration system takes care of mechanical, biological and chemical treatment.
There are a few kinds of filters depending on your tanks size and your preferences.
And remember it is always better to be over filtered rather than underfiltered.
Power Filters - for aquarium up to 100 gallons Pretty cheap solution for medium size tanks.
They are great as mechanical and chemical filtration system.
Simple in maintenance and setup, you hang them at the back of your tank so it doesn't take much space inside it.
Sponge Filters Great for smaller tanks, they are great biological and mechanical filters.
The sponge is an excellent material for bacteria to reproduce rapidly.
Undergravel Filter (UGF) - for aquarium up to 200 gallons Cheap biological filter that also take small part in mechanical filtration.
Great as a support filtration system for larger tanks.
Aquarium Bio Wheel Filters - for aquariums up to 75 gallons.
Specific kind of power filter that takes care of all 3 stages of filtration (biological, mechanical and chemical).
Recommended for medium size aquariums.
Dominant brand that produces those filters is Penguin.
Canister Filters - aquariums up to 400 gallons Great for big tanks.
Inside of them there are usually 3-5 boxes when u can place your filtration material.
There are many kinds of filtration material on the market that takes care of all 3 stages of effective filtration system.
They demand little more maintenance but are sure worth it.

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