Health & Medical Women's Health

Ovarian Cysts: Why Early Detection Is Important

While ovarian cysts are common, their symptoms rarely show.
In fact, most women with cysts on ovaries never really get to know that they have them.
This is because most of the cysts usually shrink and disappear on their own without the need for treatment.
However, there are times when cysts grow and become large.
These cysts usually pose a lot of danger to the fertility and general health of the affected women.
They may also cause further complications such as the twisting of the ovary, internal bleeding and sometimes even death.
Here are the reasons why early detection of ovarian cysts is important.
It is important to note that provided ovarian cysts are small and are not malignant, they are harmless.
It is only when cysts grow and develop that they start to show some of their common symptoms.
By the time symptoms of cysts on ovaries start to show, they are usually grown to such an extent that they affect the normal functioning of the female reproductive system.
This could however be prevented by early detection.
Since the growth and development of cysts on ovaries is usually determined by the diet and lifestyle that people live, most of the complications associated with the cysts can be avoided by changing one's diet.
Knowing that you have cysts on your ovaries will thus make you to be more careful about what you eat and drink and the lifestyle that you lead.
This will help you to prevent their growth.
Taking foods that are known to shrink ovarian cysts will also help to prevent any further complications.
The treatment options available to women with cysts on ovaries usually depend on how large the cysts are.
This means that if cysts are detected early on, you will have more treatment options than if they are detected when they have already grown and developed to such an extent that they pose a danger to your life.
When ovarian cysts are relatively small, they can be treated by natural methods.
This is however not possible if they are large.
Complications such as the twisting of the ovaries, which can only be corrected through surgery, usually developed when the cysts are left untreated for a long time.
As far as twisted ovarian cysts are concerned, the treatment options available to a woman will depend on how early her cysts were detected.
Where the twisted cysts are detected early, a laparoscopy may be enough to get rid of the cysts.
However, if the cysts are not detected early enough, the only option will be open surgery which usually carries a lot of risks.
How early ovarian cysts are detected will also determine whether a woman will be able to have a pregnancy or not.

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