Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Get Instant Sciatica Nerve Pain, Relief!

Do you suffer from Sciatic nerve pain, or Sciatica?

Have you ever tried using either heat or ice to get some relief from the pain?

Whether or not you use heat or ice to treat your Sciatica, really depends on your symptoms. If you have other serious medical problems such as diabetes, or have bad circulation, and also suffer with Sciatica pains. Then you should avoid using the heat or ice treatments for your pain.

1. If there is no inflammation on your body, but you experience sharp and intense pain. Then you could try to use ice. This should help to nullify the pain, and also give you some relief.

2. If there is no inflammation, but you are experiencing a degree of stiffness or mild soreness. Then you could consider using heat treatment. This method should warm up and relax the affected areas.

If you, hurt or injure the Sciatic nerve, it is vital that you don't put any direct heat on to your back for at least 2 days. This should ensure that there isn't any inflammation and that it does not develop. Remember though, if in any doubt, don't use it!

Usually heat makes us feel good, but it can also increase any inflammation that may already exist. By using heat, you block the sensory receptor of the nerves. And although it may feel good whilst applied until you remove it. Despite making you feel good, the heat tends to increase any inflammation, and that could result in more pain!

When there is inflammation and swelling on your body. You could try to use ice instead of the heat. This will help to reduce the swelling and inflammation, although it is not very comfortable to use. However, if you can put up with a short amount of discomfort, this will result in relief of the Sciatic pain.

In order to prevent skin damage, you should never use heat or ice directly on the skin. The use of either heat or ice is not advisable, if you have applied any form of local analgesics.

If you are using heat or ice treatments to alleviate Sciatic pain, do so for no more than 20minutes at a time. You should allow sufficient time (1-2 hours) for the skin to return to its normal body temperature before re-using.

If you would like to get more information about the treatments for, Sciatic Nerve Pain Relief. Please visit the link below.

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