Technology Networking & Internet

How to Downsize Picture Space

    • 1). Open the photo editing software of your choice.

    • 2). Click the "File" menu on the upper left corner of the window and select "Open."

    • 3). Navigate to the picture you wish to downsize, click on it and click the "Open" button to open the file.

    • 4). Click on the "Image" menu at the top of the window and select "Image Size." In some programs this selection will have the name "Stretch/Skew" or "Resize."

    • 5). Enter the desired downsized height and width of the picture in the corresponding fields.

    • 6). Click "Apply" or "OK" to apply your changes and downsize the image.

    • 7). Click on the "File" menu, select "Save As," enter a file name and save destination and click "Save" to save the downsized picture.

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