Tips for Diabetic persons
From meatloaves and Christmas puddings to ice cream cake and shortbread, divine desserts seem to be a hallmark of the festive season. In Asian culture, sweet morsels represent a wish for good things to come. But therein lays the temptation to snack on sugary treats, which can wreck more than your diet.
Diabetes - a condition where the body is unable to regulate blood sugar levels due to insufficient levels of insulin, or because the body cannot use the insulin which is generated. The National Health and Morbidity Survey showed that 11.6% of the population above 18 years old is affected by Type2 diabetes alone; among adults aged 30 years and above, the prevalence is even higher, at 14.9%.
Three main types of diabetes:
Individuals experience different warning signs. In the case of Type 1 diabetes, symptoms can appear suddenly, but in Type 2 diabetes, symptoms may arise gradually and be hard to detect. The only way to be sure is to seek a doctor's advice, who may then advise a blood test to confirm if you have diabetes. These are some of the common signs which you should look out for.
So diabetes need to controlled at right time avoid all the discomfort in life. Diabetes is also a life threatening disease it harms the kidney of patients. Due to intake of external insulin kidney of persons are badly affected during long term. There are many medical aids available for diabetes.
Diabetes patient who are taking insulin should wear a diabetic bracelet a medical I.D. bracelet .Which contain information about your disease. No person wants to have a medical crisis, but you should always be ready for such situation because it can have huge impact between thin line of life and death.
Medical ID bracelets are an outstanding way to speed up treatment and evade misdiagnosis during crisis situation. Person who practices medical trained to search for medical ID bracelet.
Both low and high blood sugar can lead to coma, sleep, seizure and passing away. If emergency medical person have to search through your purse or wallet for a medical ID, your cure is delayed. So in this case if you are wearing your diabetic bracelet your disease is identified very quickly and quick action can be taken very rapidly. And in cases when a person is behaving in unusual manner or has lost his consciousness, people near him/her are more probable to call for medical help if they are able to identify that the disease from which you are suffering, rather than thinking of other possibility like drugs or alcohol.
For more information click on Diabetic Bracelets and Medical Id Bracelets
Diabetes - a condition where the body is unable to regulate blood sugar levels due to insufficient levels of insulin, or because the body cannot use the insulin which is generated. The National Health and Morbidity Survey showed that 11.6% of the population above 18 years old is affected by Type2 diabetes alone; among adults aged 30 years and above, the prevalence is even higher, at 14.9%.
Three main types of diabetes:
- Type 1, which normally affects children, requires insulin injections to survive. There is no means of prevention.
- Type 2 diabetes, also known as adult onset diabetes, comprises 90% of all diabetes cases. It can be prevented through a healthy and active lifestyle and treated with medication if left untreated; it can damage internal organs and result in various health complications.
- Gestational diabetes, which occurs only during pregnancy. Usually characterized by high blood glucose levels and can cause complications before and after birth. However, it often never lingers on after pregnancy.
Individuals experience different warning signs. In the case of Type 1 diabetes, symptoms can appear suddenly, but in Type 2 diabetes, symptoms may arise gradually and be hard to detect. The only way to be sure is to seek a doctor's advice, who may then advise a blood test to confirm if you have diabetes. These are some of the common signs which you should look out for.
- Frequent urination
- Excessive thirst
- Increased hunger
- Weight loss
- Tiredness
- Lack of interest and concentration
- Vomiting and stomach pain (often mistaken as the 'flu'
- A tingling sensation or numbness in the hands or feet
- Blurred vision
- Frequent infections
- Slow-healing wounds.
So diabetes need to controlled at right time avoid all the discomfort in life. Diabetes is also a life threatening disease it harms the kidney of patients. Due to intake of external insulin kidney of persons are badly affected during long term. There are many medical aids available for diabetes.
Diabetes patient who are taking insulin should wear a diabetic bracelet a medical I.D. bracelet .Which contain information about your disease. No person wants to have a medical crisis, but you should always be ready for such situation because it can have huge impact between thin line of life and death.
Medical ID bracelets are an outstanding way to speed up treatment and evade misdiagnosis during crisis situation. Person who practices medical trained to search for medical ID bracelet.
Both low and high blood sugar can lead to coma, sleep, seizure and passing away. If emergency medical person have to search through your purse or wallet for a medical ID, your cure is delayed. So in this case if you are wearing your diabetic bracelet your disease is identified very quickly and quick action can be taken very rapidly. And in cases when a person is behaving in unusual manner or has lost his consciousness, people near him/her are more probable to call for medical help if they are able to identify that the disease from which you are suffering, rather than thinking of other possibility like drugs or alcohol.
For more information click on Diabetic Bracelets and Medical Id Bracelets