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How to Change a Dividend Reinvestment


    • 1). Go into your broker's office, or give him a call if you have a full-service broker. Simply tell your broker that you want to change your dividend reinvestment practices and receive cash for some or all of the dividend payouts in the stocks you own.

    • 2). Log into your brokerage account if you have an online discount brokerage service.

    • 3). Find "Dividend Reinvestment" in either your "Portfolio" settings or in the settings available for each stock you own. Each brokerage has a slightly different interface, but most place DRP settings in these two areas.

    • 4). Click "enroll" or "unenroll". Most brokerages do not offer other options for dividend reinvestment; either all of your dividends in a particular company go to purchase new stock, or you get a check.

    Direct or Transfer Agent

    • 1). Contact the company's Investor Relations department if you have a direct account, or the company's transfer agent if you set up your DRP through a transfer agent.

    • 2). Tell the Investor Relations department or the transfer agent that you want to make changes to your DRP. The changes available may be just as limited as those through a brokerage account (either enroll or opt out).

    • 3). Complete and sign the necessary paperwork. The Motley Fool notes that direct accounts with a company, or DRPs through a transfer agent, cut out middle men and give you more control, but also add considerably more paperwork for you to fill out.

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