Technology Networking & Internet

How to Find RapidShare Links

    • 1). Go to the search engine of your choice like Google, Yahoo, MSN, Etc. I use Google because it gives me the best results in my opinion. Go ahead and try others to see what works best for you.

    • 2). Once you have decided which search site you want to use click into the search bar and enter the following text WITH the quotes ""

    • 3). Once you enter the text with the quotes from above make a space and then enter the name of file that you are looking for. For example if I were looking for an mp3 encoder I would enter the following in the search bar: "" mp3 encoder

    • 4). All that is left to do is to press search and browse through the results. At first it will seem frustrating but after you get the hang of it you will usually be able to tell from the search result whether or not it will contain the information that you are looking for.

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