Health & Medical Lose Weight

Fat Burning Heart Rate - A Guide For Women To Figure Out The Perfect Heart Rate To Burn Fat!

There's a lot of pressure on getting your fat burning heart rate right, and it can be confusing for the beginner to figure out what to do and how to tackle learning the best formula for success.
While the science behind it may be complicated, you don't need to get lost in the details.
Today I'm going to show you how Asian women get their fat burning heart rate to the proper level to drop pounds easily, even right after having a baby, and how you can do the same! Fat Burning Heart Rate - The Skinny Asian Way Getting your fat burning heart rate number and making it a part of your fitness routine shouldn't have to feel like "work".
Going back to math class isn't going to help you get any thinner! But there are simple ways to identify and target your best fat burning heart rate without having to break out a calculator.
And while you're not going to learn ALL of the ways Asian women burn fat quickly and stay thin from just a single short article on heart rate, you CAN pick up some tips that will allow you to get started on the road to a new you: 1.
Follow this simple formula
- Don't get caught up with different calculations and lengthy instructions.
In Taiwan my Father always taught my sisters and I that figuring out your optimal fat burning heart rate was as simple as this: Take the number 220 and subtract your current age from it.
This is as fast as your heart can beat per minute, your maximum (100%).
So for example if you're 30 years old, your maximum heart rate is 190 beats per minute.
The key to losing weight is to vary your heart rate between 60 and 85 percent of your maximum through interval training.
Meaning for the 30 year woman we're using as our example, her perfect fat burning heart rate is going to be rotating between one minute of exercise done at 114 beats per minute (114 is 60% of her 190 maximum), and, a minute of exercise done at 161 beats per minute (161 is 85% of her 190 maximum).
One minute at 60%, followed by one minute at 85%! 2.
How to do the 60/85 method
- Asian women around the world do a natural form of interval training to get their fat burning heart rate to the levels needed to get lean, and it's primarily through the slow/fast pace of riding a bicycle as their main mode of transportation.
While you can also bike and cruise at a normal pace for a minute followed by a fast pace for the next minute over and over, you can apply the same slow/fast method to ANY exercise...
even dancing in your home! Just time yourself and go at your normal pace for a minute, followed by a pace that is much faster for the next minute...
and so on.
If you're walking for example, go at a normal walking speed for the first minute, then go into a speed-walk for the second minute and rotate from that point on.
It works because this type of simple interval training gets your fat burning heart rate into that perfect 60/85 level we talked about in #1 without having to take your pulse or figure out complicated timing! 3.
If You Just Can't Lose Weight
- I know it can be depressing, but if you're upset because nothing has worked you need to learn one of the most powerful secret free methods that Asian women do to force fat off of their belly and thighs in less than a month...
WITHOUT starving or doing crazy workouts.

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