Business & Finance Renting & Real Estate

The Benefits of a Virtual Office

One of the biggest jumps to make, when running a small business from home, is expanding by renting an office.
It can be scary, as the lease can sometimes be binding for a long period of time.
Renting office space can sometimes be a costly overhead to add to a fledgling business.
So you've been successfully running your business from home, now what? You don't have to rent large premises.
A virtual office is a fantastic way to run a business without a physical building.
It can even be a small physical building which takes on the characteristics of a large company headquarters.
A virtual office can also provide a way for an already established business to gain a foothold in another country without the need for an actual physical presence (or a reduced presence).
Which of course saves a great deal of money and prevents a duplication of roles among your employees.
It may also enable you to take advantage of a more desirable address.
There are individuals and companies that put a great deal of stock in the location of a business.
For example: a financial company in the UK would be better served by having an address in London.
A company which develops computer components within the United States may be better served by having an address in Silicon Valley.
Desirable locations often cost a great deal of money, but a virtual office can offer a desirable location at a fraction of the cost of renting a conventional office.
What exactly does a virtual office entail? It can offer a multitude of functions.
It can provide a mailing address which gives a professional appearance to your clients.
It can provide communications services such as remote receptionists and customer service staff.
It can pretty much accomplish everything a large office building can, at a vastly reduced cost.
The main benefits of a virtual office Obviously, the main benefit is cost.
But there are many other benefits besides.
One of the main benefits is the flexibility.
If it turns out not to be as successful as you had first envisaged, the leases are often more flexible than renting a large office space.
Another benefit not yet mentioned, is employee satisfaction.
Your employees can work from home, whilst accomplishing everything they would if they were physically in the office.
This allows a much greater degree of flexibility for them.
They will take less sick days, spend more time with their families and also spend less time commuting.
Daily commuting can be expensive, and it can also be tiring, so renting a virtual office has the potential to bring a large amount of benefit to their lives, and help them become more productive whilst working.
If you are running a small business, and you think your next step is to rent a large office space, then you should seriously consider whether or not it's viable for you to rent a virtual office instead.

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