Health & Medical Eye Health & Optical & Vision

6 Foods That Are Good For Your Eyes

You have probably heard many times that certain foods are good for different parts of your body. Eat whole grains, theyre good for your heart, or Drink milk, it makes your bones strong. What about your eyes? Are there foods you can eat to help your vision and eye health? Someone in your lives has probably told you that carrots help our eyes. Are those folks right?

As it turns out, they are! Carrots contain a large amount of beta carotene, which can help lower a persons risk of getting cataracts or experiencing macular degeneration. Macular degeneration results in the loss of vision due to damage to a persons retina, so its important that those retinas stay healthy.

Chop or shred carrots and add them to soups or salads, or just eat them plain. These crunchy snacks full of the great antioxidant beta carotene taste great with Ranch dressing, or dipped into pretty much anything that you like. You can buy bagged baby carrots ready to snack on, or save money and buy a larger bunch that you peel at home. (If you plan to shred them, larger carrots will be easier to use than baby carrots.)

The following six foods can also contribute to better eye health.

1. Ostrich-Tempted to bury your head in the sand and ignore this one? Think again! Ostrich is overflowing with zinc, which supports eye health by helping enzymes necessary for good eyesight to function properly. Zinc is naturally found in the retinas of healthy eyes, but in people with macular degeneration, zinc amounts can be sparse. Consuming foods with zinc and help keep those levels high and possibly protect against the onset of macular degeneration.

2. Oranges and other citrus foods-These juicy treats contain several nutrients that can contribute to eye health, including vitamin C, beta carotene (just like those carrots), and lutein. Lutein has antioxidant properties, and vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant. Slice up those oranges or grapefruit for breakfast or a snack, or get out the juicer and squeeze out a fresh cup of health!

3. Sweet potatoes-Once again, its that beta carotene! A trend seems to exist here foods that are orange in color contain lots of this anti-oxidant. Use sweet potatoes to make fries, mashed potatoes, casserole, or an easy baked side for dinner.

4. Spinach (or eggs!)-Popeye must have had great eyesight! Like several foods mentioned above, spinach contains beta carotene, but the benefits dont stop there. Spinach also possesses contains vitamin C, lutein, and zeaxanthin. Lutein and zeaxanthin act as sunscreen for the eyes and protect our retinas, lowering the risk of macular degeneration. Toss spinach in a salad and its delicious. Kale and collards also contribute to eye health, as they also contain lutein and vitamin C. And if youre not into the leafy greens, eggs contain the combination of lutein and zeaxanthin as well, protecting those retinas.

5. Salmon-Omega-3 fatty acids contribute to eye health, and salmon is high in these polyunsaturated fats. Omega-3s help protect very small blood vessels that are found in our eyes. Salmon also contains zinc, just like those ostriches.

6. Turkey-Your eyes can catch more than sleep after that Thanksgiving dinner! Like salmon and ostrich, turkey contains zinc. Additionally, the niacin found in turkey can help prevent cataracts.

When choosing food to help your eyes, look for those that contain zinc, beta carotene, vitamins C and E, lutein, and omega-3 fatty acids. Bon apptit!

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