How to Incorporate Footnotes
- 1). Open your document in Word by selecting "File", "Open" and select the document you need to incorporate footnotes into. For new documents, click "File", "New" and "Blank Document".
- 2). Place your cursor at the end of the sentence you plan to footnote and add a superscript number by opening the font dialogue box from the "Home" tab and the "Font" group. Click the arrow in the right bottom corner to open the box and under effects, select "Superscript" and "OK". For the first footnote, type "1" and the second type "2" and so on.
- 3). Insert the footnote into the bottom of the page where the footnote number is located. Go the "Insert" tab and select "Footer" and "Blank" from the "Header & Footer" group. Per MLA style guidelines, footnotes begin four lines below the main text.
- 4). Type single-spaced footnotes that correspond with the footnote numbers in the main text, putting a period and one space after the footnote number. Enter the citation or note text and use a hanging indent if there are multiple lines.
- 5). Double click in the main body of your document to leave the footer section.
- 1). Open your document in PowerPoint by selecting "File", "Open" and select the presentation you need to incorporate footnotes into. For new documents, click "File", "New" and "Blank Presentation".
- 2). Place your cursor at the end of the sentence you plan to footnote and add a superscript number by opening the font dialogue box from the "Home" tab and the "Font" group. Click the arrow in the right bottom corner to open the box and under effects, select "Superscript" and "OK". You can change the default offset percentage. To raise the footnote number higher, increase the offset percentage.
- 3). Insert the footnote into the bottom of the page where the footnote number is located. Go the "Insert" tab, and from the "Text" group, select "Header & Footer". In this box, select "Footer" and type in your footer. Click "Apply".
- 4). Move the footer text box to the bottom left side of your slide and resize the box as needed by moving the handle points on the corners and the middle of the box. If you have multiple footnotes, you might want to use "Insert" and "Text Box" instead of the footer feature. Edit the text box font, font size and text box size as necessary.
- 1). Open your document in Publisher by selecting "File", "Open" and select the document you need to incorporate footnotes into. For new documents, click "File", "New" and select a blank document or template.
- 2). Place your cursor at the end of the sentence you plan to footnote and add a superscript number by opening the font dialogue box from the "Home" tab and the "Font" group. Click the arrow in the right bottom corner to open the box and under effects, select "Superscript" and "OK". Type the footnote number into the document.
- 3). Insert the footnote into the bottom of the page where the footnote number is located. Depending on the template you used, you might be able to add the footnote directly into an existing text box. If not, select the "Insert" tab and from the "Text" group, select "Draw Text Box". Type your footnote directly into the text box.
- 4). Move the text box to the bottom left side of your document and resize the box as needed by moving the handle points on the corners and the middle of the box. Resize the text as needed by highlighting it clicking the "Home" tab and utilizing the options in the "Text" group.