Opportunity Now
Today the world is full of opportunity, probably more so now, than at any other time in recorded history.
We have the longest, most comfortable lives, the most leisure time, the best medical care, the best education and communication and the best technology of any time, ever.
Ease of travel has opened up the world like never before and speed of communication has made the whole planet into one community.
Those of us with access to computers have access to more knowledge than ever before known to man.
It is mind blowing the amount of knowledge available on the internet.
Imagine all the information from every university and every library that ever existed, at our fingertips, and most of it is free.
They say knowledge is power.
If this is true, we are the most powerful civilisation that has ever existed.
Think about that for a second.
The first question that comes to my mind is, 'What are we doing with all this knowledge and power?' It is frustrating to look at the average teenager today.
They have all the information at their fingertips and so many of them are depressed about the future.
It's not hard to see why.
They are exposed to more information, more real time stories and more news than any generation before.
They are told the world is polluted, that it is unable to support so many people, that the environment is reaching the point of no return.
They are given messages of doom.
They need to be told of the wins in the environmental war.
They need to know about the rivers that have been cleaned and reclaimed.
The ones where the fish have returned.
The children need messages of hope, not news of disaster.
The news reports are about the slump in the economy, unemployment, violence and disease.
The children are bombarded with doom and gloom every time they turn on the news.
Instead, we should be reporting good news, or at the very least, a balance of good and bad news.
The average life span for men and women has never been longer.
Diseases, which once wiped out whole communities, have been entirely eradicated.
Literacy has never been higher.
Crime has never been lower.
Never have we had so many opportunities to succeed.
Never have we had so many willing to help us succeed.
Life has never been so good.
This is the message we need to send to our children.
Never before in history have so many people had so many opportunities.
All it takes is a little imagination and all the support and information in the world is there for the taking.
We should be giving our children a message of hope.
Imagine if any of the geniuses from history had access to the information our children have today.
It has been said that every child is a potential genius.
Let them be inspired.
Let them know there is nothing they can't achieve.
Let our children know about all the opportunity out there for them now.
We have the longest, most comfortable lives, the most leisure time, the best medical care, the best education and communication and the best technology of any time, ever.
Ease of travel has opened up the world like never before and speed of communication has made the whole planet into one community.
Those of us with access to computers have access to more knowledge than ever before known to man.
It is mind blowing the amount of knowledge available on the internet.
Imagine all the information from every university and every library that ever existed, at our fingertips, and most of it is free.
They say knowledge is power.
If this is true, we are the most powerful civilisation that has ever existed.
Think about that for a second.
The first question that comes to my mind is, 'What are we doing with all this knowledge and power?' It is frustrating to look at the average teenager today.
They have all the information at their fingertips and so many of them are depressed about the future.
It's not hard to see why.
They are exposed to more information, more real time stories and more news than any generation before.
They are told the world is polluted, that it is unable to support so many people, that the environment is reaching the point of no return.
They are given messages of doom.
They need to be told of the wins in the environmental war.
They need to know about the rivers that have been cleaned and reclaimed.
The ones where the fish have returned.
The children need messages of hope, not news of disaster.
The news reports are about the slump in the economy, unemployment, violence and disease.
The children are bombarded with doom and gloom every time they turn on the news.
Instead, we should be reporting good news, or at the very least, a balance of good and bad news.
The average life span for men and women has never been longer.
Diseases, which once wiped out whole communities, have been entirely eradicated.
Literacy has never been higher.
Crime has never been lower.
Never have we had so many opportunities to succeed.
Never have we had so many willing to help us succeed.
Life has never been so good.
This is the message we need to send to our children.
Never before in history have so many people had so many opportunities.
All it takes is a little imagination and all the support and information in the world is there for the taking.
We should be giving our children a message of hope.
Imagine if any of the geniuses from history had access to the information our children have today.
It has been said that every child is a potential genius.
Let them be inspired.
Let them know there is nothing they can't achieve.
Let our children know about all the opportunity out there for them now.