Business & Finance Corporations

Home Business Tips - Solid Goals Or Empty Pipe Dreams?

If you're starting a home business, it's good to have goals.
In fact, it's critical that you DO have a solid business plan which includes those goals.
However, are you creating goals or just empty pipe dreams? If you don't know the difference between the two, this article might help you.
It's important to spend your time on things that have a decent chance of coming to fruition.
Okay, so just what is the difference between a goal with a solid foundation and a pipe dream? Probably the best way to explain this is with an example, albeit a far fetched example.
However, I think it will illustrate the point quite well.
Let's say that you had a grand passion for underwater pole vaulting.
You lived for the sport.
It's all you thought about and you've decided that you wanted to turn that passion into a business.
And your goal was to sell 100 copies of your "Underwater Pole Vaulting Guide" every month.
It's certainly a noble goal but is it realistic? For starters, how many people are into underwater pole vaulting? If you were to do a Google search, you'd find there aren't enough searches to register.
Okay, let's do one that isn't so far fetched but also gets the point across.
Let's say that you're into alternative health.
Now certainly there is a market for that niche which means the potential for income is there.
However, what if I were to say that a person's goal for that niche was to become the number one alternative health site within 60 days? If you do the research on the competition, you would see that the top sites have been around for years and knocking them off in 60 days would not be a realistic goal, even though the niche itself is quite viable.
See, there are all kinds of goals.
Some are unrealistic in their entirety, meaning there is just no chance of them ever happening, or at least very little chance.
Other goals are time sensitive, meaning that while they may be possible to achieve, the time frame in which they can be achieved may or may not be possible depending on what time frame you've set for yourself.
These goals are a little more subjective because it is hard to quantify just how quickly something can or can't happen.
This is where a little common sense helps.
As I said, it's important to have goals, but setting unrealistic goals does one thing that can be extremely dangerous to your home business.
When goals aren't reached, people tend to get discouraged.
The more unrealistic the goal, the greater the chance that the home business owner WILL get discouraged.
More times than not, this leads to the person throwing in the towel.
This is why it is important, at least at the start, to set goals that are more easily attainable.
This will keep you motivated and more easily allow you to continue to build your business to your ultimate goal.
To YOUR Success, Steven Wagenheim

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