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A Birthday Party Idea on a Budget

Toddlers and even school age kids love this birthday party idea.
We turned the yard into a water theme park! This is an easy and inexpensive party to throw right in your own home.
In today's tough economic times, no need to spend a fortune on a birthday party.
Use some of these creative ideas and you will put together a party that is fun and memorable.
At this age invite a small group of their friends and keep the party short.
An hour and a half is more than enough time for everyone to have a great time and none of them are bored.
Get some help from your friends if needed to make sure you have proper supervision as with this party they will be "slipping and sliding" allover the place.
Finally, always plan a rain date! The highlight of this party idea is the "Slip and Slide".
This water slide is great and all the kids can participate without worrying about swimming abilities.
You take it out of the box, hook up the hose and you have a runway for fun.
There are some great ones on the market and most run under $30.
You'll have it for your party and all summer long.
There are elaborate ones available that have sprinkling arches to slide under and Palm Trees that spray water.
Grab an inexpensive kiddie pool and fill it with sand.
For party favors purchase beach pails for each child.
Decorate according to the theme and add their name to it Paint pens would great for this.
Fill with food and this becomes their lunch pail.
Give all the kids some kind of water toy.
It could be as elaborate as a supersoaker or just small toys that squirt water, it all depends on what you want to spend.
Also get bubbles.
They love them.
There are all kinds of bubble blowing toys available now.
Whatever you do, you have one for each child.
Fill some water balloons and let them have at a target.
Just make sure the targets are not each other.
Another great party favor for this party is a beach towel for each of the kids.
Label with their names and then you can dry everyone off when they are done slipping and sliding! Cake, ice cream, singing and then open the gifts and it's time for everyone to leave.
They will have had a great time and everyone goes home ready for a day at the pool or beach with their towel, sand bucket and water toy.
This party has been tried and tested on all four of own kids and it never has failed us..
plus total budget for 8-10 guests..
$100 if shop carefully! Enjoy!

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