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How to Avoid Common Injuries?

Fitness involves physical activity and physical activity might have injury.
Let us see how to avoid common injuries.
How do you differentiate the injuries? Just lifting your snack packets and then lifting weights, dumbbells will definitely hurt your muscle, no need to worry about that but continue with your exercises to address those pains.
But if you get up next morning and have a severe pain that you cannot move your muscle then it is a different injury.
What is a normal pain? A pain which is dull, achy and you feel it throughout your body or a muscle.
What is a bad pain? A pain which is sharp and usually in a particular area.
It usually hurts very much when you are trying to move your hand or leg.
Tom had a shoulder pain which he ignored and continued with his bench press.
After few days he could not even move his hands freely nor lift a small weight with out feeling the pain in his hands.
So he has to visit doctor and it was found that his tendon was teared and he was forced to take three months rest to his upper body which made him not to do any work out and you know the results.
Bottom line he could not improve his fitness level.
What are strains and sprains? You would have seen people saying that they have strained the muscle or pulled the muscle.
Yes, both are synonyms but they are not the same as a sprain.
The strain is related to stretching rather over stretching your tendon (the tough muscle attached to the bone).
It happens when you push yourself harder than what you are used to do.
The sprain is related to torn or over stretched ligament (connective tissue that joins two bones).
Hence you can sprain an ankle or wrist but you cannot sprain a muscle.
Two muscles which are strained most are hamstrings (rear thigh muscle) and groin (inner-thigh) muscles.
These muscle pull easily as people do not warm it up properly before they start their workout.
You can figure out that you have strained hamstrings when you have sharp pain in back of your thigh when you straighten your leg.
And you can figure out groin pull when you have sharp pain moving one leg towards another or towards the side.
You will feel the lump of muscle which causes the pain and the treatment is to give rest for few days to the muscle, so that it can repair itself.
You can do slight stretching but if you continue to strain your muscles, you might end up few months of rest, so better give a few days break than few months of rest.

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