Health & Medical Cancer & Oncology

Follow and Apply the Cool Tips RFA System in Oder to Live a Cancer Free Life

Before going through the several cool tips RFA system, First of all it is very much important and necessary to understand what is actually Radio Frequency Ablation?

Radio frequency ablation (RFA) is a method in which part of the electrical conduction system of the heart, tumor or other dysfunctional tissue is ablated using the heat generated from high frequency alternating current. RFA, a procedure in which a thin tube, called a catheter, is infused through the skin to the site of the tumor. Heat is then delivered through the catheter, killing the diseased cells, but leaving the surrounding healthy tissue untouched and unharmed.

RFA is being used to treat these cancers:

  • Bone

  • Breast

  • Kidney

  • Liver

  • Lung

  • Vertbroplasty
Here are the few cool tips RFA system:

  • Radiofrequency ablation is not done under general anesthesia. An important benefit of RF current (over previously used low frequency AC or pulses of DC) is that it does not directly stimulate nerves and can therefore often be used without the need for general anesthetic.

  • Radiofrequency ablation method provide pain relief for up to two years. However one thing commonly seen is pain exacerbation immediately after the procedure. Typically this will resolve over the ensuing weeks with the intended pain relief following. Patients need to be appraised of the potential exacerbation so when it happens they are ready for it and expect it.

  • The tiny nerve endings that are causing the pain in the facet joints are deadened with the procedure. These will eventually regenerate, and then the procedure may be repeated.

  • Once the diagnosis of tumor is confirmed, a needle-like RFA probe is placed inside the tumor. The radiofrequency waves passing through the probe increase the temperature within tumor tissue and results in destruction of the tumor.

  • The procedures of cool tips RFA system are performed under image guidance(such as X-ray screening, CT scan or ultrasound) by an interventional pain specialist (such as an anesthesiologist), interventional radiologist etc.
According to the study report the complications from RFA is only 1 to 4%, Depending on the type of cancer treated and overall health condition of the patients. Most of these complications are minor and clear up on their own. And because there is no open wound, infections are exceedingly less and there is no chance of blood loss as there is with surgery. Pain is slight and any discomfort can be treated with medicines.

The benefits that we can get by following the RFA system are:

  • It can be performed as an emergency procedure, which means recoveries are quicker and hospital stays, are shorter.

  • It is not so much risky and has less complications than surgery.

  • It can usually be done by a local anesthesia.

  • People can lead their normal activities.

  • It can be repeated as required.

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