Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Treat Reactive Hypoglycemia With a Reactive Hypoglycemia Diet

Coping with reactive hypoglycemia can be a pain! - And if you have just been diagnosed with the disorder, things become more frustrating as you try and learn what you can and cannot eat. Below are some tips to help you avoid the symptoms of hypoglycemia that are absolutely no fun at all.

1 - Cut Out the Junk!
If you are eating junk food, simple carbohydrates, sugary foods, processed foods and anything of the sort, you are only making your condition worse. These foods only spike your blood sugar making reactive hypoglycemia symptoms kick in! - And remember, the key with this disorder is to keep blood sugar stable! So, if you are eating junk, stop! - And just to be realistic, we all need a cookie or piece of cake from time to time. However, if you decide to eat any of these foods, eat them after you have had a full meal packed with protein (fat even) and fiber. NEVER eat simple sugars or junk food alone!

2 - Eat the Right Foods!
The reactive hypoglycemic diet should consist of foods like, berries, meats, sweet potatoes, nuts, cheeses, whole grains and other foods that digest slowly.

3 - Don't Skip Meals
If you are one of those people always on the go, then I suggest you get some snacks to take along with you. Protein bars, peanuts, almonds. - Whatever, just don't skip meals! Again, the goal is to keep your blood sugar levels steady throughout the day.

4 - Breakfast! Make it Count!
In my opinion and based on my experience with reactive hypoglycemia, breakfast is by far the most important meal of the day. For breakfast you want to take in whole grains like oatmeal and a form of protein like eggs or a protein shake. Personally I make a shake every morning called, "The Ryano"! This shake is made up of a half cup of almond milk, a half cup of raw oatmeal, a tablespoon of peanut butter and a table spoon of chia seeds. This shake will sustain you and give you energy throughout the day.

So you may be thinking, "chia seeds?" Yes, chia seeds! Chia seeds are 20% protein, have more antioxidants than blueberries, and are loaded with fiber and omega 3's. Also, one tablespoon can sustain the body for 24 hours. This is what you call a super-food!

5 - Eat Frequent Small Meals
Always know where your next meal is coming from and eat small meals. Remember, the goal again is to keep the blood sugar levels of your body even. That's how you suppress the symptoms of reactive hypoglycemia.

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