Society & Culture & Entertainment Music

Music Sharing Websites

Legal music downloads typically involved the a purchase of a song or album available for downloading on the Internet. Downloading music first became popular with file sharing technologies such as peer-to-peer networks, with people breaking copyright laws by not paying for any of it. Legally downloading music involves the exchange of files between the copyright owner and an end user.

Files are delivered in 192 kbps MP3. There is no copy protection. File sharing grew in popularity with the proliferation of high speed Internet connections, relatively small file size and high-quality MP3 audio format. Although file sharing is a legal technology with legal uses, many users use it to download copyrighted materials without explicit permission: copyright infringement or "piracy".

File Sharing Technology, also known as Peer-to-Peer (P2P), generally refers to any software or system allowing individual users of the Internet to connect to each other and trade computer files. These systems are usually highly decentralized and are designed to facilitate connections between persons who are looking for certain types of files. File sharing is simple and generally involves downloading special software, that connects your computer to a network of other users?

Peer-to-peer networks often use incentive policies to encourage cooperation between nodes. Such systems are generally susceptible to collusion by groups of users in order to gain unfair advantages over others. Peer-to-peer systems enable the rapid development of distributed applications; peer-to-peer file sharing has become one of the most popular Internet applications. There are two primary functions in a peer-to-peer file sharing application: content discovery (determining which peers have the desired content) and content retrieval (transferring content from a peer to the requester). Peer-to-peer computing offers a radically new way of isolating and focusing on the networking aspect as the business model's mainstay. P2P networking thus offers unique advantages that will make it a more effective alternative to several existing client-server e-commerce applications-if it can mature into a secure and reliable technology.

Music and movie industry groups have long complained that Web-surfers have become increasingly savvy on how to illegally download and share pirated entertainment. Numbers released in November show that online music sales fell 39 percent in the third quarter of this year compared to last year and that sales are lower than normal. Music files are passed from user to user; there is no home office to shut down in the event of court challenges. That there are no central servers is also a disadvantage, because it makes the network erratic.

Software piracy over the Internet is a growing multi-billion-dollar crime. The Business Software Alliance (BSA) recently reported that one in every three business software applications in use during 1999 was pirated, with the global software piracy losses exceeding $12 billion worldwide, including $3.6 billion in the U.S. Software manipulation of photographs makes it possible for that photo to be altered and put back on the Internet or traded among child pornographers. Be anonymous: Don?t give away personal information in your user name or screen name.

i don't think file sharing can't be proven illegal, If i buy a record and want to share it over the internet with my friends, thats my right as the owner of the record and a user of the internet. Barring such activities is clearly not the intent of copyright law. No one ever wanted to tell you that you couldn?t read a book that was printed in China or watch a video tape at the full quality allowed by your television set. But Free music downloading companies should be fined beacuse they are the ones that are getting downloaders in trouble.

Legal music download sites make use of advanced security measurements and also do frequent updates to keep their customers safe from any security risk. The software provided in these sites help to download music which are usually free from viruses, spyware and adware. Legal music download sites like their offline retail counterparts are getting an actual fee for their service. They don't want to scam or upset their customers by placing dangerous and annoying spyware and adware programs on their computers.

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