Health & Medical Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes - If You Feel Like a Victim Take Action to Reverse It!

Like a lot of other diseases, Type 2 diabetes creeps in slowly.
It's impact is almost always lifelong, but one may have it for years and not even know it in some cases.
Then one day you visit your doctor, and you get some news that starts out pretty shocking...
you have diabetes! You now rank among the millions of people who occupy every level of income, social class, every race and sexuality, and who are roughly equal in numbers between women and men.
You're a diabetic now.
If you're like most people, you'll go through a horrible moment of fretting over what you may or may not have done to bring it on yourself.
You might also wonder if this is something you can blame on someone else.
In the case of Type 1 diabetes, the cause is still not fully understood but it is believed to be of immunological origin.
The majority of Type 1 cases are triggered by an autoimmune disease that destroys the insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas.
If most of your family is Type 1 diabetic, you have a much higher than average likelihood of being that way yourself.
However, Type 2 diabetes makes up 90 to 95 percent of all diabetes cases.
It used to be known as adult-onset diabetes...
but not any more.
It has begun to strike children and adolescents at an alarming rate.
Type 2 is more complicated than Type 1...
in Type 2 there is both a deficiency of insulin and the body's inability to respond to insulin, or insulin resistance.
There should never be any blame lobbed, but the clear link is being overweight or obese and a certain type of belly fat.
And this belly fat cannot be taken away by liposuction...
liposuction will only remove subcutaneous fat not visceral fat.
Subcutaneous fat does not affect your blood sugar levels.
Visceral fat can only be removed with weight loss...
so now you can see why shedding some weight is a good idea.
This can be a little hard for those with Type 2 diabetes...
unfortunately your body is genetically programmed to lay down more visceral fat than the body of a person without Type 2 diabetes.
It just means you must work a little harder at eating right and burning calories or kilojoules.
You can take some solace in the fact that lots of people share the unfortunately common health practices which contribute to building visceral fat.
In addition to that, millions of people rarely do any sort of exercise, and an equally large number of people eat unhealthy diets.
Unfortunately, millions of people with bad health habits don't make them good (or even especially acceptable), through social proof alone.
Ultimately, healthy options exist no matter where you are, and no matter what everyone else around you is doing.
What you need to do from here on out is get away from the "victim" mindset entirely.
Hopefully you never really had it in the first place.
To start with, acknowledge that you've most likely played a part in becoming Type 2 diabetic through what you have and haven't done.
Then, putting that aside, resolve to do something about it.
Doing something about your Type 2 diabetes involves regular workouts, regular exercise (as in, several days a week, every week), and changing your diet to low GI and low GL foods (with an emphasis on more natural food groups, like fruits, veggies, meats and eggs).
If you do all of these things, not only won't you be a victim of Type 2 diabetes anymore.
You might not even experience most of the symptoms.

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