Travel & Places Latin America

What Time is it in Greenland?

Question: What Time is it in Greenland?

Greenland resides in four time zones, but uses only one of them.


The time in Greenland is not split into different time zones for most of Greenland, as this would be very impractical in this region. Greenland generall adheres to one time, called Greenland Standard Time.

Greenland Standard Time (Winter): GMT -3
Greenland Summer / Daylight Saving Time: GMT -2

GMT = Greenwich Mean Time

Greenland time has a 4 hour difference to the time in Denmark. It follows the schedule of the European Union regarding the changing of the clocks each spring and fall (last Sunday in March, last Sunday in October).

Compare your location to find out what time it is in Greenland right now:
  • US Eastern Standard Time: Greenland is 2 hours ahead of you.
  • US Central Standard Time: Greenland is 3 hours ahead of you.
  • US Pacific Standard Time: Greenland is 5 hours ahead of you.
  • UK (Greenwich Mean Time): Greenland is 3 hours behind you.
  • Western Europe: Greenland is 4 hours behind you.
  • Japan Standard Time: Greenland is 10 hours behind you.
  • Australia Time/Sydney: Greenland is 12 hours behind you.

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