Health & Medical Women's Health

The Downsides of Surgery on Saggy Breasts

One of the inevitable, embarrassing, and frustrating parts of aging is the onset of saggy breasts.
When your breasts lose their natural elasticity and perkiness and begin to try to merge with the floor (or so it feels), you start to look around for solutions to the problem plaguing you.
One of the increasingly popular options that women are taking is mastopexy, or breast lift surgery.
Medical Risks Some of the risks involved with breast lift surgery are related to the anesthesia you must undergo in order to have this surgery, but others are more directly resulting from the surgical procedures.
You may end up having the incision bleed or get infected, as the body fights to ward off foreign substances, viruses and other unfamiliar toxins that can enter the incision.
You must also stay still and avoid exercising or doing anything that taxes the chest muscles to avoid irritating or damaging the area.
Some women lose all feeling in their nipples, or end up with nipples positioned unevenly after breast lift surgery.
It is also impossible to avoid getting scars from the surgery, although the surgeon will try to keep them as unnoticeable as possible.
Finally, the surgery could go very wrong if you choose the wrong surgeon.
Clearly, this is a risky and invasive medical procedure to undergo for a simple problem.
Moral/Body Image Risks Women who undergo breast lift surgery may also regret altering their natural body later, finding that they feel more "plastic" and fake.
Others refuse to undergo the surgery at all, thinking that they should value their body the way it is for religious or personal moral reasons.
Besides, having breast lift surgery to lift sagging breasts implies that having saggy breasts is somehow a scandalous thing to be hidden permanently.
You can start to feel bad about yourself if you feel like you should be "fixed.
" Alternatives to Breast Lift Surgery Saggy breasts can be easily concealed and perked up with the aid of technology, but without needing to resort to such a permanent and harmful medical procedure.
You can wear specialized bras that are designed to support a sagging breast and perk it up again to a more youthful appearance.
There are also similar garments like camisoles that have elastic built into them to support you, if you don't like the feeling of a bra.
Non-Traditional Alternatives For those who would rather avoid a garment-based solution to supporting your saggy breasts, you can opt for a simpler solution: adhesive patches that function in a similar way without the bulky fabric of a bra.
They are stuck onto your breast near the nipple, and you then pull up the breast and fasten the rest of the patch to keep it uplifted and perky.

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