Technology Networking & Internet

How to Block Websites Using Microsoft DNS

    • 1). Log in to the administrator account in Windows Vista/XP and click the "Start" button in the lower left corner of the screen.

    • 2). Click "All Programs" and open the folder "Accessories." Click "Notepad" to launch the text editor.

    • 3). Click the menu "File" In Notepad and then choose "Open." Browse to the folder "C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc" on your computer.

    • 4). Type "hosts" in the field "File name" and click "Open." The content of the file "hosts" will appear in the editor window.

    • 5). Go to the end of the "hosts" file using the arrow or "PgDn" keys on the keyboard.

    • 6). Add the following line at the end of the file:
      " website address"
      For instance, " www.ddd.ord."

    • 7). Repeat Step 6 to add other websites you need to block.

    • 8). Click the menu "File" and "Save" to save the "hosts" file. Then click "File" and "Exit" to close Notepad.

    • 9). Click the "Start" button in the lower left corner of the screen.
      In Windows Vista, choose "Restart."
      In Windows XP, click "Turn off Computer" and then "Restart."

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