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1.18.10 One Tree Hill Season 7 Episode 13 Review

The 1.18.10 One Tree Hill episode started out with some nice touring scenes of Haley on the bus, going from town to town doing the whole rock star thing. I know Haley is a rock star and everything, but it seemed like half the episode was concert footage of her singing some incredibly mundane and boring songs.

Of the many plot lines, the prevailing theme centered on the twisted relationship between Brooke and Julian. It's pretty obvious that Brooke isn't over the whole Alex situation. To make things worse Julian and Alex happened to be together every time Brooke came around. Those instances just fanned the flames of Brooke's insecurities and led to the couple breaking up at the end of the show.

Brooke ended up going out to dinner with her Australian clothes designer, Alexander, two seconds after the break up. If I was Alexander I would be avoiding Brook like the plague. You definitely don't want to get involved with a woman who just got dumped and owns a clothes line called Clothes Over Bros.

Anyway, it seems that Alex has pulled her stuff together since the whole suicide attempt. She even tried to help Millie out of her drama. It's pretty obvious that she has a thing for Julian because of the whole knight in shining armor thing. Julian definitely is flirty with Alex and I think he enjoys the fact that he is helping her, but he better be careful because he is dealing with a girl whose wrists look like they went through a meat grinder. Catch the next episode of One Tree Hill on Monday night on the CW network.

Brenda R., Staff Writer

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