Top Methods to Prevent Premature Ejaculation
Preventing premature ejaculation is almost entirely impossible! Every man will experience it at least once in his life, and may not even know it.
For example if your partner takes three minutes to climax and you finally climax after five you and your partner are both satisfied.
However if the roles were reversed, you would consider it PE because only one had climaxed.
PE varies amongst men, the reason being some men are more excitable then others so they experience shorter period of sexual engagement.
While other men are less excitable and can engage in intercourse for much longer periods of time.
Since every sexual encounter can vary, such as location, partner, and time the sexual experience can last differently with each occasion.
Therefore determining premature ejaculation is hard.
The best way to classify PE is having both or one sexual partner dissatisfied after intercourse.
Or climaxing to early and leaving the other partner wanting more.
Since there is no true known cause as to what causes premature ejaculation, there are no true methods of preventing premature ejaculation.
You can however take some steps to help ensure that you gain more control of your ejaculation.
For example your PC Muscle that is located between your anus and scrotum, is an excellent way to start.
Try strengthening that muscle, to do so simply wait until you are urinating and then try to stop midway.
This is your PC Muscle at work and this method will also strengthen it and give you a little more control.
If you feel you have suffered PE you can also consult your physician and be examined for diseases.
Sometimes PE is caused by a hidden or unknown disease.
If the physician finds that you are suffering from a disease and cure its, in most cases your premature ejaculation stops as well.
Having an annual checkup is a great way to prevent premature ejaculation.
It will not only help detect any early signs diseases that can cause premature ejaculation but it can help ensure your body is in its best condition.
Preventing PE is classified as being impossible but taking those few extra steps will ensure that you and your partner remain happy as long as you both can.
For example if your partner takes three minutes to climax and you finally climax after five you and your partner are both satisfied.
However if the roles were reversed, you would consider it PE because only one had climaxed.
PE varies amongst men, the reason being some men are more excitable then others so they experience shorter period of sexual engagement.
While other men are less excitable and can engage in intercourse for much longer periods of time.
Since every sexual encounter can vary, such as location, partner, and time the sexual experience can last differently with each occasion.
Therefore determining premature ejaculation is hard.
The best way to classify PE is having both or one sexual partner dissatisfied after intercourse.
Or climaxing to early and leaving the other partner wanting more.
Since there is no true known cause as to what causes premature ejaculation, there are no true methods of preventing premature ejaculation.
You can however take some steps to help ensure that you gain more control of your ejaculation.
For example your PC Muscle that is located between your anus and scrotum, is an excellent way to start.
Try strengthening that muscle, to do so simply wait until you are urinating and then try to stop midway.
This is your PC Muscle at work and this method will also strengthen it and give you a little more control.
If you feel you have suffered PE you can also consult your physician and be examined for diseases.
Sometimes PE is caused by a hidden or unknown disease.
If the physician finds that you are suffering from a disease and cure its, in most cases your premature ejaculation stops as well.
Having an annual checkup is a great way to prevent premature ejaculation.
It will not only help detect any early signs diseases that can cause premature ejaculation but it can help ensure your body is in its best condition.
Preventing PE is classified as being impossible but taking those few extra steps will ensure that you and your partner remain happy as long as you both can.