Business & Finance Debt

Is Debt Settlement a Good Idea?

Debt settlement is a very good idea for individuals who are having difficulties with overwhelming credit cards debts that never do seem to go away.
The idea of this program is a very positive alternative for individuals who do are having difficulty with their debts, but do not wish to experience a bankruptcy which has a drastic impact on one's credit report.
If you are unable to pay your bills and declare a bankruptcy, the court which you declare your bankruptcy through will impose restrictions on your finances.
The restrictions will be very invasive and limit what you are able to do financially.
Consequently, settling financial obligations is a much better alternative.
In this situation, an individual, lawyer, or a company representing the debtor will negotiate with the creditor in order to lower the amount owed to a more manageable amount.
Creditors are willing to do so because if they allow for the consumer to declare bankruptcy, they would stand to loose as much as the entire amount owed.
It is typical for settlements to decrease debt amounts by as much as fifty percent.
The creditor will take a slight loss, but they are more willing to loss half of the owed amount than all of it.
In addition, the creditor is able to claim the amount of forgiven debt for a nice tax break at the end of the year.
Settlements allow for the debtor to be able to pay the remainder amount within three to five years.
The company usually charges a fee that is based on a percentage of the amount of money that is forgiven by the creditors.
With all of the positive effects, settlement is definitely a good idea for consumers and creditors alike.
By the way, by researching and comparing the best debt settlement services in the market, you will be able to determine the one that meet your specific financial situation.
Nonetheless, it is advisable going with a trusted and reputable debt counselor before making any decision, this way you will save time through specialized advise coming from a seasoned debt advisor and money by getting better results in a shorter span of time.

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