Technology Software

Ink Blot Tutorial

    • 1). Download a stock image that you want to convert to an "ink blot" image, and a stock image of paint or ink splatters. Open an advanced graphic editing program like Adobe Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro or GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Software, free for download, see Resources). Go to "File," "Open" and load both images into the program.

    • 2). Click on the picture that you want to convert to an ink blot image and go to "Adjust," "Colorize" in the top menu and turn the image to black-and-white. Go to "Effects," "Artistic Effects," and then "Posterize." When the Posterize box pops up, change the "Level" to "2" -- this effect leaves only two shades in the image, black and white (no shades of gray).

    • 3). Go to "Edit", "Copy" and click over to the image of the ink or paint splatter. Click on "Edit," "Paste as New Layer" and the image will appear over the ink splatter image as a new layer.

    • 4). Select the "Magic Wand" selection tool in the toolbox and click somewhere in the black area of the image that you want to convert to an ink blot image. Click on the "Delete" key to delete the black area. Repeat this step until all of the black areas are gone. You are now able to see the ink splatters where the black used to be, and some ink still around the straight edges of the image.

    • 5). Go to "Layers," "Merge All" to change the two layers into one layer. Click on the "Magic Wand" tool again and select a small area of the ink on the edges of the image. Hit "Edit," "Copy" and then "Edit," "Paste as New Selection." Pasting as a new selection makes it possible for you to position and resize the small area of ink splatter that you selected.

    • 6). Go to "Deform" in the tool box and drag the corner of the new selection to make it smaller. You only need it small enough to soften any rough edges and make it look like the ink or paint "bled" on the outside of the white areas. When you're done copying and pasting the the "bleeding areas," go to "Layers," merge the image again and save your work. You now have an ink blot image.

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