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Expert Tips That Will Help You Train Your Dog Quicker

Is your dog's behavior leaving you stressed and frustrated? If so, your dog may be in need of more training. Putting some extra time into training your dog will help you get a more obedient pet. This article will give you the tips you need to start properly training your dog.

Do not forget to praise your dogs for the good things they do. Humans can be a bit harsh when they are not happy with a dog's behavior, while being far less demonstrative when their dog does good things. Your dog needs you to be very generous with praise so they can easily understand what you want. Be generous with praise to show him how much you value good behavior.

Try not to repeat commands. It is human nature to repeat a word or in this case, command when we're frustrated. However, repeating yourself around your dog will get you nowhere. Every time a command is repeated, your dog learns that listening to you is optional. Be firm with commands and be stubborn by waiting him out.

If your dog is big on chewing, make sure he has plenty of appropriate items to take his energy out on. The number one reason for destructive chewing is inadequate or inappropriate toys. Seek out rubber toys meant for busy mouths, particularly those you can stick sumptuous treats inside of. Your dog will spend more time chewing these, and less time on your table legs.

You should provide your dog with boundaries and rules when you begin training. Have the dog wait for you to enter the house first, and don't allow him on the couch uninvited. This establishes your leadership to the dog, and allows him to relax and find his place in his human pack.

When training, be specific about what you want your dog to do. Using vague commands like "no" tend to be ineffective. No only tells him that you didn't like what he did, but not why. If you say "no" when he jumps on the couch, he may think you wanted him to jump higher. Use specific commands like stay and sit for better results.

When training a dog it is very useful for the dog's owner to do some research into training. By learning how to train a dog the proper way one will make their job much easier. It can be done the most effective way and be the easiest for both the owner and dog to adjust too.

If you are looking for a positive way to train your dog, try clicker training. In clicker training you teach your dog to associate treats and good behavior with the sound of a click. This training method is much more clear to dogs than methods that use both rewards and punishments.

Taking the time to properly train your dog will allow you to relax and have fun with your pet. Right now, you may feel like your dog will never behave, but if you stick to your training, it won't take long for you to see impressive results. If you keep these tips in mind, your dog training sure to be successful.

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