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Table Saw Stands - Which Type is Best?

A table saw is the major tool in a workshop.
Saws are usually heavy and big; they are meant to be fixed in one place.
In the beginning, small, portable table saws were the norm.
They were very portable but someone could also fix them to a working surface.
They were therefore fixed on to a transitory bench or onto a metal stand.
These stands offer some advantages but there are disadvantaged in that they cannot handle the weight of larger saws.
A table saw stand is limited in size, which means that there is limited space at the back of the blade to support stock during cutting.
This setback makes it hard for someone to cut large pieces of timber.
Some portable table saw stands come with an extension to reduce this problem.
Roller stands, on the other hand, are able to handle long pieces of wood.
Despite this added advantage, The cutting surface is still inadequate and the cutting area is restrictive.
The solution to these minor set backs have been eliminated in the portable table saw stand.
But while they are much better than previous models, they are not free from fault.
They are bulky and weighty.
This problem has been eliminated by the creation of a two piece portable table saw stand.
One piece is a big foldable table.
It can be flattened for storage or transportation.
When opened, it becomes a wide working area.
A lower shelf is situated at on end; it accommodates the saw.
It is designed in such a way that it can allow for the flow of wood without interruptions.
This shelf has a space for the table saw carrier which can be adjusted to the size of the saw carrier.
The other section of the stand is a carrier for the table saw.
It is set up like a dolly and holds the saw.
The carrier has a pair of wheels on one end and a handle on the other end.
When you need to transport the saw, you just tie it to its carrier.
This new model of portable table saw stand is easy to transport.
The stand has a foldable table that can be detached from the saw carrier.
The foldable table stand also has a system that allows you to align the saw table to the stand making work easier.
The portable table saw stand is a great investment because it is not only easy to carry around, but it is also easy to assembly and dissemble.

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