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The Power of Quality SEO Content

Who knew a Panda could change the world of online marketing so much? With one update Google changed the tactics of thousands of online marketers by devaluing back-links and by expecting more and better content from websites.
Many blackhat marketers where devastated by this as their questionable back-linking programs and services were rendered virtually useless.
The rest of us jumped for joy knowing that all the time we spent optimizing our websites and all the quality content we dedicated hours to (and possible giving ourselves carpal tunnel in the process) was worth the effort.
But now that the rest of the online marketing world is catching on it is has become imperative to write high quality content that not only captivates your target audience but also informs them and ultimately drives them to your website.
This is can be difficult, especially if you are not a well versed writer.
But have no fear, in this article we will discuss a writing tactic to help you improve writing quality content for your website and getting relevant traffic to your site.
The first part of headline optimization is using keywords in the titles that you write.
Hopefully this is obvious to you, but if it isn't we will go into further detail.
Keyword usage in the headline or title is very important.
Doing this is helpful with search engine results and with readers.
Having the keyword in the title helps it show up in relevant searches and gets the topic to the reader quickly which is important as it will keep the readers you want engaged and deter the readers you don't want (i.
, readers who are not interested in your product and will lead to a bounce).
So with a mock title, if you are advertising a style of black dresses make sure to include it in the title or headline as so: "Are You The Right Body Type To Wear A Strapless Black Dress?" The title asks a question and also provokes a debate which should motivate the reader to want to know the answer and includes keywords like "strapless black dress", and "black dress".
This leads us to our next topic.
One of the most important factors of writing a quality article is catching the readers eye and invoking a motivation to want to read your article.
Often you see titles that contain "7 Best blanks", "4 Great Tricks for blank", and "Why You Need blank", etc.
These titles are designed to captivate the reader and motivate them to read your article.
If your target market is black dresses and you write an article titled "The Practical Reasons of Black Dresses" and someone writes "4 Reasons Why You Need to Have a Black Dress" who do you think is going to get the click? It will be the article that impresses a need to the reader.
Now this may have a gimmicky feel to it but it in fact is anything but gimmicky.
The average person isn't interested in reading about you or anything else but them self.
Four reasons why they need a black dress will draw a reader in because they want to know how it will affect them.
Which leads us to our final point.
Another thing to consider is the detail of the title.
To continue with the theme of black dresses, you want something that is detailed yet simple and easy to understand.
If you write a title called "Top Black Dresses of the Year" it will be effective in displaying the information but it is mundane and contains little information.
If you write an article titled "Editors Choice: The Top Black Dresses of 2011" you offer more to the reader including offering an opinion of authority and give the article relevance by offering a current date.
In addition to having a more detailed article you also give yourself the opportunity to utilize keywords such as "editors choice" and "black dresses.
" If someone types "top black dresses", "editors choice black dresses" or "black dresses 2011" you will have a greater chance of appearing in search engines.
While many of these phrases won't compete well on the big key word "black dress" they will help in long-tailed searches which as many know can lead to a higher conversion rate due to being more specific.
To conclude I hope you understand that all our headlines are examples.
We did not research relevant black dress keywords as we are simply trying to pass along an idea.
After reading this we hope you have learned about how to create better content, keywords and how to provoke motivation through a title/headline.
Obviously there are many ways to skin a cat and each market, especially the niche markets, require their own fine tuning.
Writing about clothing can be very different than writing about something in a very niche market like duck hunting products.
With proper keyword research and clever titles you are one step closer to writing a more engaging and higher quality article.
In our next article we will talk about optimizing the body of your article.
Good hunting...
er writing!

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