Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Sinus Infections And Sinusitis--You Can Get Rid Of It

When you have problems in your sinuses they can be caused by a temporary or short term infection, or they may be more serious and chronic in duration. Short term sinus infections are caused by a virus or by bacteria. This is termed acute sinusitis and can usually be cleared up fairly quickly. The common symptoms are pressure or pain in the upper part of the face where the sinus areas are located. Fever,nasal discharge and nasal congestion,are also very common.Post
nasal drip and occasionally bad breath may also result from a sinus infection.

A thick and yellowish-green colored nasal discharge indicates that this is a bacterial infection which can usually be cleared up fairly quickly with antibiotics.If the discharge is clear this indicates that a virus is the cause and this will not respond to treatment with antibiotics.

Acute sinusitis is a short term infection which will usually be cleared up within 3 weeks or so. If the problem continues for longer than 3 months it is then termed chronic sinusitus. Your physician will give you a diagnosis of chronic sinusitis and will treat it according to your symptoms and the results of a physical examination. If the diagnosis is still uncertain the doctor can then call for further tests, for example magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to
determine whether or not there is a physical blockage of the sinuses.

Should it be necessary, an ear,nose and throat specialist can perform an examination of your nose and throat with a very small instrument which carries a miniature camera lens on its end. If your sinus troubles are possibly the result of an allergy, an allergy specialist may be required to perform tests to find out what is causing your allergy.

Chronic sinusitis can sometimes go on for months or even for years in some cases. Surgery may be called for in some extreme cases to clear blocked sinus cavities. However this is not common and the problem can most often be cured or at least kept under control without resorting to surgery. If your problem is chronic sinusitis you must completely avoid cigarette smoke. Outdoor airborne allergens or air pollution must also be avoided. When indoors windows need to be kept closed and an air conditioner and/or air cleaner which has a a hepa filter should be made use of to remove air borne allergens. Your doctor, with your help, can find out what triggers your allergies and you can then avoid whatever this trigger may be.

Exposure to pollens must be minimised. Leaf blowing and mowing lawns are common activities which can result in exposure to pollens. Clothes should be dried indoors after washing so that they will not come in contact with air borne pollution and allergens. In the evening,before bedtime, wash your face and hands to remove any build up of allergens. Drink plenty of water and other fluids in order to stay well hydrated.

If your sinuses are blocked you may get relief by inhaling steam or by using a nasal spray wash. Decongestants can be obtained, over the counter, at all pharmacies in the form of either tablets or nasal sprays. These decongestants can help greatly to clear up nasal congestion. Sinus pain or headaches can be treated with the standard over the counter medications such as ibuprofen or acetominophen.

If these treatments do not help enough you may have to get a medical professional to take care of your sinus problems. Antibiotics or possibly steroids may be necessary and if your problem is the result of an allergy, you might require desensitizing shots. An ear,nose and throat specialist can make a determination as to whether or not your sinuses need to be drained, or if possibly endoscopic surgery should be performed. This surgery is carried out by using very small medical instruments and tiny scopes, through the passages in the nose, and is very successful in many cases. Surgery should always be a last resort however to be used only after other treatments have failed to deliver the required results. In some unfortunate cases sinusitis is not cured by any of these treatments and may require to be managed by using medications over a long period of time.

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