Health & Medical Lose Weight

7 Weight Loss Methods Which Will Help You Start Shedding Those Calories Today and Feel Good

Weight loss is possible, contrary to what you may think, but it is certainly not easy always.
We have for you some quick and easy weight loss tips that are widely used by celebrity personal trainers.
With these, you can burn fat effectively and tone up your muscles to get a slim, trim, and perfect shape.
Here are seven of the top tricks suggested by experts to get rid of all those extra pounds.
Don't look at the scales every now and then.
Keep from it for at least a week.
Weighing yourself constantly isn't going to better the results.
In fact, it will only make you feel discouraged and disappointed.
You don't lose much weight in the first few hours.
Note your weight only at the end of the first week.
Get into a habit.
Start your daily schedule with a round of exercising every morning.
If you devote about 15 minutes to cardio exercise, your heart rate should be up and in the ideal target zone.
Cardio includes walking, running, jumping, and anything else that gets your heart working faster.
After the first 15 minutes, your body starts burning fat only, for the next 60 to 90 minutes.
You can lose weight somewhat faster if you add fruits like blueberries, grapefruit, and raw apples to your diet.
These fruits burn fat well, are delicious and at the same time, healthful.
The best ways to lose weight involve exercise.
This can be grouped into two sections.
One is cardio, the other is abdominal exercise.
Both are good for your general health and you end up reaching your target weight much faster if you work this way.
You must drink 8 to 12 ounces of water with each meal.
Do not drink it to wash your meal down.
If you drink through your meal, your stomach will be fuller fast.
Drink at least 8 glasses of water each day.
If you want to leave out anything from your diet, leave out refined sugars and white bread.
Try using a bit of hot sauce in your salads.
You can also use vinegar or celery seeds to enhance the taste and yet stay healthy.
A lot of diet programs and books promise you fast results when it comes to weight loss.
Beware of these; they could be starvation diets or ones with insufficiently low calories.
Others restrict your choices too much and force you to live on only a few kinds of food.
These are not all that good for your body.
Small, frequent meals interspersed with snacks are the best option.
If you have infrequent meals, your body switches over to starvation mode.
This is a genetic survival mode and is stronger than normal in some of us.
Your body doesn't realize that you have enough to live on.
It starts storing all the food it gets in fat cells.
This type of diet is all wrong.
This explains how you tend to gain weight when you go on a starvation mechanism.

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