Technology Networking & Internet

How Do I Send a Free Internet Fax?

Internet has revolutionized the way we communicate with other individuals and businesses, and thanks to it, everything has improved. We are now saying good bye to those years where you had to buy a traditional fax machine to send documents to other people, and we are now entering an era of high speed delivery with advanced faxing features. If you are new to Internet faxing, you can start easily by sending a free Internet fax.

To start, you can use completely free fax software, this is called freeware, because you don't need to pay anything. These programs are developed in base of donations and the good will of people who want to provide free solutions for the rest of us. This major strength is also freeware's major weakness, since many of the programs lack of the sufficient funds to keep the project going, and they don't provide the ability to receive faxes.

Other type of software is the shareware. Shareware is only free for a limited amount of time or has limited features. It is designed to let you try fax software so you know more about your options before buying. Shareware might be a good place to start sending free Internet fax but, there's also a third way that is much more convenient and reliable.

I'm talking about Internet fax services. These Internet fax services are usually pretty low priced and you pay for them monthly. They let you send and receive faxes thanks to a local or toll-free number that you can give to other people for contact.

But what about free faxing?

Well, many of these fax services allow you to try their service completely free for 30 days! That's more than enough to send and receive important faxes, and can also give you enough experience if later on you decide to pay for a service.

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