Technology Software

How to Make an Acapella Using GoldWave



Back up the audio file from which you intend to extract the vocals. The process the file undergoes in GoldWave permanently changes it. Back the file up beforehand to ensure that you retain an unedited copy.

Launch GoldWave. Open the “File” menu and select “Open.” A file browser pop-up appears. Locate the audio file you want to use and double-click it. GoldWave loads the file and displays its wave form in the editing window.

Open the “Effect” menu and select “Equalizer.” GoldWave’s equalizer plug-in’s interface appears.

Use the equalizer to boost frequencies in the 200- to 1,200-hertz range if the vocals are female, or 90 to 500 Hz if the vocals are male. Select any setting in that range that boosts the vocals above the accompanying instrumentation.

Open the “Effect” menu and select “Stereo Center” from the “Stereo” submenu. The “Stereo Center” effect’s interface appears.

Click “Play” and use the slider in the Stereo Center effect’s interface to adjust the width of the center channel. If the vocals are panned exactly to the center, you can't isolate them because the effect will block all frequencies falling outside of the center channel. Vocal recordings have different stereo widths, so it may take some adjustment before you find a setting that isolates the vocals as much as possible without distorting them. Other instruments, particularly the drums and bass, will probably occupy the center of the stereo field, making it next to impossible to perfectly isolate the vocals. However, this method can frequently produce a usable acapella.

Open the “File” menu and select “Save As.” A "Save" dialog appears. Give the acapella recording a name and select a save location in the file browser. Click “OK.” GoldWave saves your acapella file in the selected location.

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