Fill your Tax Return on Time avoid the Penalties!
Filing Your Tax Return" is one of the most popular booklets among the taxpayers. These booklet mainly deals with the procedure for filing of the tax returns. Besides, it also guides the reader about filling up the relevant forms/ challans guides the reader about filling up the relevant forms/ challans correctly. In addition, the booklet gives a brief idea about various heads of income and the allowable deductions, and also the taxability of Fringe Benefits.
It is compulsory for every company to furnish return of income. Every person, other than a company, whose total income from all sources of income exceeds the maximum amount which is not chargeable to income tax in any previous year ending on 31st March is liable to file the Income-tax Return. .
Through Latest Amendments, the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has prescribed new return of income forms for the assessment years 2008-09 onwards, as shown in the table below: .
FORM FOR WHOM ITR-1: Individuals having salary, pension, family pension or interest income. .
ITR-2: Individuals and Hindu undivided family (HUFs) not having income from business or profession. .
ITR-3: Individuals and HUFs who is a partner In partnership firm but does not carry on a proprietary business or profession. .
ITR-4: Individuals and HUFs carrying on a proprietory business or profession. .
ITR-5: Partnership firms, Association of Persons (AoP) and Body of Individuals(BoI). .
ITR-6: Companies other than companies claiming exemption under section 11. .
ITR-7: Persons including companies which are charitable or religious trust, political party, scientific research association, news agency, hospital, trade union, university, college or other institution specified in sub-section (4A), (4B), (4C) and (4D) of section 139 of the Act. .
ITR-8: Persons not liable to file return of income but are liable to file return of fringe benefits. .
The above forms are not required to be filed in duplicate. But where the return form is filed in paper format, acknowledgement slip attached should be duly filled in. .
Income-tax return is a legal document and it should be filed by the assessee with due care and caution. There should be no corrections or overwriting and it should be properly signed and verified by the person authorized to do so under the provisions of the Income-tax Act. The following important points may be taken care of while filling up the return forms: .
1. For timely delivery of refunds, ensure correct address and account number on your Return of Income All income tax refunds in Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Kolkata and Mumbai will be delivered by the Refund Banker directly at the communication address mentioned on the Return of Income. .
2. Manner of filing the new Forms These Forms can be submitted in the following manner: (i) a paper form; .
(ii) e-filing.
(iii) a bar-coded paper return. .
Returns can be e-filed through the internet. E-filing of return is mandatory for companies and firms requiring statutory audit u/s 44AB. E-filing can be done with or without digital signaturea) If the returns are filed using digital signature, then no further action is required from the tax payers. .
b) If the returns are filed without using digital signature, then the tax payers have to file ITR-V with the department within 15 days of e-filing. .
c) The tax payers can e-file the returns through an e-intermediary who would e-file and assist him in filing of ITR-V within 15 days. .
5. Filling out acknowledgement Where the return is furnished in paper format, acknowledgement slip attached with the return should be duly filled in. The new forms are not required to be filed in duplicate. .
6. Intimation of processing under section 143(1) The acknowledgement of the return is deemed to be the intimation of processing under section 143(1). No separate intimation will be sent to the taxpayer unless there is a demand or refund. .
7. Furnishing details of high value transactions In the return the details of high value transactions need to be compulsorily stated, which are ordinarily reported through the annual information return (AIR) and these details are cross checked and matched with the data in the AIR. .
An existing assessee must file his Income-Tax Return with the Assessing Officer who had previously assessed him or with the Assessing Officer where his case stands transferred. A new assessee should file the Return with the Assessing Officer having territorial jurisdiction over the area where he resides or his principal place of business is situated or with the Assessing Officer having special jurisdiction over specific assessees or classes of income.
Under section 139(1A) the Board has specified a scheme for Bulk filing of returns by employer, wherein the eligible employee at his option may furnish a return together with documents to his employer and such employer shall furnish returns received by him on or before the due date on computer readable media using the authorized Bulk Return Preparation Software (BRPS). .
Section 139 D provides that the Board may make rules providing for: (a) the class or classes of persons who shall be required to furnish the return in electronic form; .
(b) the form and the manner in which the return in electronic form may be furnished; .
(c) the documents, statements, receipts, certificates or audited reports which may not be furnished along with the return in electronic form but shall be produced before the Assessing Officer on demand; .
(d) the computer resource or the electronic record to which the return in electronic form may be transmitted.
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It is compulsory for every company to furnish return of income. Every person, other than a company, whose total income from all sources of income exceeds the maximum amount which is not chargeable to income tax in any previous year ending on 31st March is liable to file the Income-tax Return. .
Through Latest Amendments, the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has prescribed new return of income forms for the assessment years 2008-09 onwards, as shown in the table below: .
FORM FOR WHOM ITR-1: Individuals having salary, pension, family pension or interest income. .
ITR-2: Individuals and Hindu undivided family (HUFs) not having income from business or profession. .
ITR-3: Individuals and HUFs who is a partner In partnership firm but does not carry on a proprietary business or profession. .
ITR-4: Individuals and HUFs carrying on a proprietory business or profession. .
ITR-5: Partnership firms, Association of Persons (AoP) and Body of Individuals(BoI). .
ITR-6: Companies other than companies claiming exemption under section 11. .
ITR-7: Persons including companies which are charitable or religious trust, political party, scientific research association, news agency, hospital, trade union, university, college or other institution specified in sub-section (4A), (4B), (4C) and (4D) of section 139 of the Act. .
ITR-8: Persons not liable to file return of income but are liable to file return of fringe benefits. .
The above forms are not required to be filed in duplicate. But where the return form is filed in paper format, acknowledgement slip attached should be duly filled in. .
Income-tax return is a legal document and it should be filed by the assessee with due care and caution. There should be no corrections or overwriting and it should be properly signed and verified by the person authorized to do so under the provisions of the Income-tax Act. The following important points may be taken care of while filling up the return forms: .
1. For timely delivery of refunds, ensure correct address and account number on your Return of Income All income tax refunds in Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Kolkata and Mumbai will be delivered by the Refund Banker directly at the communication address mentioned on the Return of Income. .
2. Manner of filing the new Forms These Forms can be submitted in the following manner: (i) a paper form; .
(ii) e-filing.
(iii) a bar-coded paper return. .
Returns can be e-filed through the internet. E-filing of return is mandatory for companies and firms requiring statutory audit u/s 44AB. E-filing can be done with or without digital signaturea) If the returns are filed using digital signature, then no further action is required from the tax payers. .
b) If the returns are filed without using digital signature, then the tax payers have to file ITR-V with the department within 15 days of e-filing. .
c) The tax payers can e-file the returns through an e-intermediary who would e-file and assist him in filing of ITR-V within 15 days. .
5. Filling out acknowledgement Where the return is furnished in paper format, acknowledgement slip attached with the return should be duly filled in. The new forms are not required to be filed in duplicate. .
6. Intimation of processing under section 143(1) The acknowledgement of the return is deemed to be the intimation of processing under section 143(1). No separate intimation will be sent to the taxpayer unless there is a demand or refund. .
7. Furnishing details of high value transactions In the return the details of high value transactions need to be compulsorily stated, which are ordinarily reported through the annual information return (AIR) and these details are cross checked and matched with the data in the AIR. .
An existing assessee must file his Income-Tax Return with the Assessing Officer who had previously assessed him or with the Assessing Officer where his case stands transferred. A new assessee should file the Return with the Assessing Officer having territorial jurisdiction over the area where he resides or his principal place of business is situated or with the Assessing Officer having special jurisdiction over specific assessees or classes of income.
Under section 139(1A) the Board has specified a scheme for Bulk filing of returns by employer, wherein the eligible employee at his option may furnish a return together with documents to his employer and such employer shall furnish returns received by him on or before the due date on computer readable media using the authorized Bulk Return Preparation Software (BRPS). .
Section 139 D provides that the Board may make rules providing for: (a) the class or classes of persons who shall be required to furnish the return in electronic form; .
(b) the form and the manner in which the return in electronic form may be furnished; .
(c) the documents, statements, receipts, certificates or audited reports which may not be furnished along with the return in electronic form but shall be produced before the Assessing Officer on demand; .
(d) the computer resource or the electronic record to which the return in electronic form may be transmitted.
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