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Brief And Straightforward Discussion On Angel Financing

Definition of Angel Financing
The inception of angel financing began from the concept of angels. Angels for many cultures are those who provide counsel and assist people on their crises. In business, an entrepreneur seeks for an angel investor when he or she needs financial source in starting a business.

An angel financing is a business strategy which an individual or group funds for capital in business start-up. In return, the angel investor will be granted 10 to 30% of ownership in the company. Angel investors are also referred as business angels or angel financer.

Angel Financing Takes High Risk
Some companies are bound to fail and when this happens, the money loaned will be lost. In United States, only 1% of the new companies convinced angel investors to loan for their businesses. Angel financing is a high risk form of investment. For this reason, angel investors take wise decisions, securing returns about tenfold or more of their money.

Angelic Character of Angel Investors
An angel investor may invest as much as their money is a concern. Oftentimes, they diversify their investments to more than one company. This is because of high-failure rate for many new companies. Angel investors do not only assist those business start-ups, but also those existing companies with new projects. Most of angel investors have business-investment know-how. They may give you helpful advices for the new company to succeed; since a successful company offers higher returns on investment. Angel investors do not only supply funds, but also resources that help companies reach the consumers.

While angel investors are mostly called as fund provider, this is not the case for some entrepreneurs. Depending on the level of rapport, angel investors may remain their support to the company, increasing the chance of making profits and more returns for them. Angel investors may use their contacts to help the business grow such as endorsing to vendor partners who give better discounts. Angel investors can also extend the companys products or services to other potential clients.

Angel investors are compensated either through acquiring an ownership, interest on loans or other means as per agreement.

Difference Between Angel Financing and Venture Capital
Angel financing is different from venture capital. Venture capitalists pose large sum of money which belongs to a group of investors. Hence, a collective effort. Also, venture capitalists support more often those well-established companies than the new, smaller businesses (angel financing). Supported by a number of investors, venture capitalists face lesser risks compared to angel investors.

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