Health & Medical Health Care

Candida Treatment - Removing Fillings Using Glutathione

I have got more letters from a friend telling me about her progress in candida treatment.
Her hair analysis is not so good.
But, she feels she can concentrate more on the dietary suggestions since she no longer need such a restricted diet.
Anyway, she is going to confess that she has been eating a less-than-perfect candida diet.
She just feels that the balancing of her hormones (progesterone, testosterone, and thyroid) has made this battle somewhat easier and has made her less dependent on a stricter diet.
So, now she is moving onto stealth viruses and the like.
She took a PCR test yesterday.
She did two panels; the chronic fatigue one, and she thinks the tick-borne diseases one.
She doesn't see the doctor again for 2 months, but the results should be in within 2 weeks.
She will call and hopefully she will get the results from them before her visit.
In the meantime, she got the okay from her doctor to use the rife machine that her acupuncturist is ordering from New Zealand.
She doesn't know which one it is, but all she knows is that it costs $6,000 (U.
She plans on using it on her and her cats.
She also asked her about removing her fillings and why so many people who have gone through this process still cannot seem to chelate this stuff.
She wanted to know if it was worth it for her to have them removed.
She said she has no problems with it remaining in the system as she uses glutathione and not EDTA, for this purpose.

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