Lasko 75420 Heaters - A Heat Boost To the Office
Well, it's getting ready to get cold again and if you have been paying attention to the past five year's climate it is getting colder each winter and hotter each summer. Wintertime is coming around and you should be prepared.
It's a good time to get an efficient convection ceramic heater like the Lasko 754200 ceramic heater or a radiant heater for your office space, like I have. I'm in the standard efficient designed desk area, so I can only use a small heater. I found the best ceramic heater for less than $25.00 to fit under my desk. I need the air to just spot heat, instead of flowing with heated air. I can imagine where both could be used in someone's house. These heaters are perfect warmer for the bathroom, the kitchen, a small garage, and the guestroom. Oh yes, the dorm, or even just as a gift. Let me explain the difference, do you know the differences between a convection ceramic and a radiant heaters? These are the two types of electric space heaters.
A Ceramic Heater:
This type of heater has ceramic plates and aluminum baffles. When electricity passes through the ceramic, it is heated. The heat is then absorbed by the aluminum and a fan blows the hot air into your room. These small heaters tend to be energy efficient and safer than many heaters. Although they heat up rather quickly the plastic casings stay cool. This is perfect for a small office or tabletop. Hence the flowing air in the confined space.
The Radiant Heater:
These heaters are considered space heaters, which have been updated with safety in mind. In the radiant heater, there is usually a quartz glowing or reflective metal to provide heat to a particular area, or a space. These are the heaters that provide heat to the one closest. Rather the entire room.
There are many other forms of heaters, propane and natural gas or kerosene and adding wood and electric fireplaces. But none of these would be conducive to a small office, due to its potential hazard. The Lasko 754200 Heater is the practical choice, I use it in my office and one is also in my side pantry. With safety in mind, these are some tips to keep you safe this winter with your heater at the office or home:
•Purchase ONLY a heater that has the UL mark, which stands for United Laboratories. (An independent testing lab.)
•Keep at least four feet from flammable items.
•Turn off the heater before leaving a room or going to sleep (use timer).
•Always supervise children and pets when using the heater.
•Only plug into wall outlets; don't use any extension cords.
•Don't use it to dry wet clothes, you might get shocked..
Enjoy this winter with a Lasko 754200 energy efficient heater!
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It's a good time to get an efficient convection ceramic heater like the Lasko 754200 ceramic heater or a radiant heater for your office space, like I have. I'm in the standard efficient designed desk area, so I can only use a small heater. I found the best ceramic heater for less than $25.00 to fit under my desk. I need the air to just spot heat, instead of flowing with heated air. I can imagine where both could be used in someone's house. These heaters are perfect warmer for the bathroom, the kitchen, a small garage, and the guestroom. Oh yes, the dorm, or even just as a gift. Let me explain the difference, do you know the differences between a convection ceramic and a radiant heaters? These are the two types of electric space heaters.
A Ceramic Heater:
This type of heater has ceramic plates and aluminum baffles. When electricity passes through the ceramic, it is heated. The heat is then absorbed by the aluminum and a fan blows the hot air into your room. These small heaters tend to be energy efficient and safer than many heaters. Although they heat up rather quickly the plastic casings stay cool. This is perfect for a small office or tabletop. Hence the flowing air in the confined space.
The Radiant Heater:
These heaters are considered space heaters, which have been updated with safety in mind. In the radiant heater, there is usually a quartz glowing or reflective metal to provide heat to a particular area, or a space. These are the heaters that provide heat to the one closest. Rather the entire room.
There are many other forms of heaters, propane and natural gas or kerosene and adding wood and electric fireplaces. But none of these would be conducive to a small office, due to its potential hazard. The Lasko 754200 Heater is the practical choice, I use it in my office and one is also in my side pantry. With safety in mind, these are some tips to keep you safe this winter with your heater at the office or home:
•Purchase ONLY a heater that has the UL mark, which stands for United Laboratories. (An independent testing lab.)
•Keep at least four feet from flammable items.
•Turn off the heater before leaving a room or going to sleep (use timer).
•Always supervise children and pets when using the heater.
•Only plug into wall outlets; don't use any extension cords.
•Don't use it to dry wet clothes, you might get shocked..
Enjoy this winter with a Lasko 754200 energy efficient heater!
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