Technology Networking & Internet

How Can I Increase My Download Speed?

    Test Your Download Potential

    • If you're still using dial-up internet, it's probably time for an internet upgrade

      Try testing your download speed before doing anything. Websites such as and are valuable resources for figuring out the potential of your computer. The results of the test will come to you in kbps, which means kilobytes per second. There are 1,024 kilobytes in one megabyte, so remember that when discovering your computer's speed.

      Your present Internet connection may be the culprit for a slow-downloading computer. Find out what kind of connection you have. Dial-up Internet connections connect through a phone line. They are the predecessors to all kinds of Internet connections. They are also the slowest and can only download a few kilobytes of information at a time. If you feel as though the Internet connection you currently have is too slow, you may want to contact your service provider and upgrade. While it's a little bit of money right now, it's far less than the thousands you'd pay for a new computer.

    Check Your Internet's Capacity Speed

    • If your Internet connection isn't dial-up, then maybe your computer needs to be optimized.

      Optimization refers to clearing clutter off of your hard drive. There are several ways to organize and compartmentalize data so that your computer can run as seamlessly as possible.

      There's the Defragmenter that comes standard with all Windows Operating Systems. Go to your Start menu, click on Programs, then Accessories and then System Tools. Defragmenter can take quite a while, so running it while you're asleep is a good idea.

      Windows also comes with a program called Disk Cleanup in the same window. It shows users sample programs they rarely use and then offers to delete them off the computer.

    Upgrade Hardware If Needed

    • Upgrading your memory is a very inexpensive way to make your entire computer faster

      Finally, your download speed could be hindered by a deficiency in memory, which slows down the entire computer, not just the downloading speed.

      You can find very inexpensive memory upgrades on websites, such as eBay, and they are very easy to install. A normal memory upgrade can cost anywhere from $50-$200, depending on how much memory you upgrade your computer with and what brand of hardware you choose to get.

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